Being the busy girl that I am, working from 9-4 or 9-5 and going to class in the evenings, I try to squeeze in some time with the boyfriend and friends.
Real and genuine people. I don't care for the fake smile or the fake conversation. I can't stand it when people treat their kids like their accessories. If I don't like you, you will know. I do believe in change and growth, so I would give you the opportunity to do so, which will change my perception. I can't stand the ones that purposely say hi to your significant other but not you. I can't stand it when someone disrespects a household. I don't believe that anyone is GROWN until they have a stable job and they can take care of themselves. The ones that try too hard are the ones that get nothing in the end. Don't waste my time if you're any part of the "negatives." Treat me with respect and I'll do the same.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
Everytime the beat drops...
Ever After Finding Nemo =D
Memoirs of a Geisha Saving Fish from Drowning Snow Flower and the Secret Fan
Without my mom and dad, I wouldn't be here. They've taught me so much and stood by me throughout everything. My loving boyfriend has also stood by through thick and thin. He's taught me the true meaning of love. My friends know who I am inside and out. I couldn't ask for anything more.