Justice Associate iN the United States
You may call me Janus
The Purpose of this Myspace account is to preserve and protect the people's human rights.
Why you ask? Because our vast freedoms are in danger. Hate Groups such as the KKK, and Neo-nazism still exisit (namely in our country). Also groups like Scientology who not go to extreme lengths to harass their crtics. Other issues I cover will be abortion, animal rights, Protesting the despicibale actions of Greenpeace, and protesting certain fanatical antireligious and religious groups (Groups who think they are right and all else must follow them)
Please note that I am not anti-religious in anyway,I am in fact Christan.
I mention this because as soon as the scientologists and no doubt other more hateful groups catch wind of this page, they are going to be making all sorts of outrageous lies about me.
I support and believe that all American people have the Constitutional right to believe whatever they want, so long as they DO NOT harm themselves, others, or Enforce their beliefs on others who don't want to hear it.
I am also neutral when it comes to the issues such as homosexuality. No human being deserves to be hated, or treated unfairly.
When it comes to homosexuals I will NOT bullshit you, I personally disagree with their lifestyle, But as americans and human beings they have the right NOT to be harassed, or hated, or persecuted.
Lastly for those who are going to ask (accuse that is), No I don't hate Scientology or any one of the other groups I will be protesting against for that matter. I dislike the activities that the many groups I will be protesting, infiringe on their members and those outside their order, Constitutional rights. Thus I am protesting them.
Other things that I fight for:
1. Men AND Women's EQUAL Rights
2. Brotherhood among Jews, Christans, and Muslims
3. Anything else I can think of ^.^
I welcome all who wish to add me as a friend those who wish to hear my observations of the world. I will ask those that are going to harass me (because I shall be covering contraversal topics) to just let it be.
My information will be spread to only my page an the eventual group on myspace I shall start, which will promote religious tolerence, human rights, and protesting all who restrict the rights of others
One last thing...I'm Pro-Israel. The Jews (and Christans) have as much right to the "holy lands" as the Muslim people do.
One More THING! I'm on myspace about once a week. If I dont respond to your messages, Im not ignoring you! I have jobs and school, and a life out side protesting :)
Peace be with you! ;)