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I am here for Friends

About Me

{} get your own layout here.How do I explain me to someone else when I can't even explain me to myself? I'm a sociopathic, scitzophrenic, paranoid bitch..with a generally pesimistic outlook on life and borderline personality disorder. But I'm not crazy I'm just on diferrent levelz of reality then the rest of the world. Just my own strange character in the story book of my life.. Bt what's life really about? If you can't have what you want and nothing works out like you want? Why are we still here? Just shadows on the sidewalk meant to fulfill so much within nothing at all. I don't think when I talk and I talk when I dont think. My own mouth can condemn me as it has so much in the past. I'm typing this on my phone and writing off the top of my head and tip of my tongue. Az I'm so often on my phone. I also like to use Zs at the end of words az I feel itz not used enuf.. Just like the olive green crayon.. Poor olive green crayonz :(.. Made with an intended purpose.. But lost forgottn and sometimez broken.. Like yourz truely..Miss Hailey Dawn Reiser. The last in the line of Reiser heir....

My Blog

no one reads this shit

Everyone talks about having epiphanys but how many people do you think really hav them? An how many are just fuckung retards that realize 2+2=4? An thn say omg I had an epiphany today! Well I just som...
Posted by on Sat, 28 Mar 2009 22:50:00 GMT

Im still lost

So what does distance have to do with disbelief? I'm shadowing my own soul yet not letting go. Just between the threads I can see what's hot ahold is not only cold but also haunting me. I'...
Posted by on Fri, 27 Feb 2009 08:39:00 GMT


Today I embrace confusion let go of my little false hopes, disengage from this uncertainty to battle my defiance in grief. I can feel the past creeping up behind me, settle in the muck and let the lin...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Feb 2009 07:44:00 GMT

i think i shud post blogs mor but..

Who is actually going to take time out of their day to read words out of my mind? An words about what? I love to write. But what good does it do? I cud post blogs about my day my life my relationships...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 18:50:00 GMT

First blog.. ??

i have a story..this is the story of a gurll&&boy.... You see.. there's this boy.. who likes this gurll an this gurll... well she likes this boy.. buut... they're just friends.. This gurl doe...
Posted by on Sun, 31 Aug 2008 21:07:00 GMT