Choppers, SCUBA, fast cars (both import and pure American muscle), shooting pool, traveling, camping, horseback riding.
Music, film, working out, hitting the beach, camping, long walks, playing poker, dancing. Astros and Texans ROCK!!! PBR, UFC, Pride, Hockey. BBQ on the weekend and watch a random game.
Angelina Jolie & Vin wait that would be nice, but unlikely. How about new friends and old friends alike? Basically looking for friends and if anything develops, great. If not, well that's ok too because friendships are very special as well.
I want to meet someone who isn't afraid of independence in a woman. One who can hold her own even in a physical fight and not need a knight in shining armor to come rescue her. I'm not saying I don't want to feel safe and protected, but I want to do things my way. Stepping in if it looks like I'm in over my head is one thing, but charging in when I'm obviously in control is another.Romantically speaking, I'm looking for a partner. One who can pick up the slack and allow me to do the same. The one who knows his strengths and his weaknesses and make the best of both. Romance is extremely important. I do like to be swept off my feet and feel like I'm the most desirable woman and have him feel excited to see me. Relationships are work and with the right person I will work as hard as I can to make things as happy as possible. Yes there will be fights, but then there's also the making up. If there is no fighting it means that one personality has dominated the relationship and someone has given something of themselves up.
You can please some of the people some of the time, all of the people some of the time, but you can never please all of the people all of the time. Please if you don't think that we would have anything remotely in common don't ask for a friend request!!! I'm here to make real live friends that I can hang with and get into trouble with on occasion.
...Can you tell I like it hard and heavy? I also like instrumental new wave, classical, classic rock, some pop, some country and everything in between. I can't stand most rap, but don't hold that against me. I have a very diverse taste in music and if it hits me right in the soul I'll listen to it over and over again. Two songs have actually made me tear up. Music is a huge part of me and what I listen to at any given moment can be a good indication of my mood and how I'm feeling. :)
Way too many to list. I've got a thing for Vin Diesel, Angelina Jolie, Anime, action, suspense and horror flicks. The Crow, Highlander, Tomb Raider, Dark Crystal, Labyrinth, Pirates of the Carribean, Pitch Black, Alien & Aliens (should have stopped there), Forest Gump, Saving Private Ryan, Capitan Carrelli's Mandolin, The Matrix trilogy, LotR, Hellraiser, Ringu (the original Japanese version of that pansy ass movie the Ring). Saw (What a mind trip)
The very rare (and I mean rare) comedy. Not the dumb stuff. It's got to be intelligent humor. As Good as it gets, What Women Want, Bad Santa (ok so I slipped, I thought this was hilarious). Saw American Wedding recently and it was stupid funny if that makes any sense.
House, Law and Order SVU, Medical Investigation, Dexter, Moonlight, Buffy, Angel. Pretty much anything sports related. Except Basketball. Never got into it. Family Guy, but not religious about it. I love my TiVo.
Anything that catches my attention. James Patterson, Tom Clancy, Laurell K Hamilton, Anne Bishop, Eric Van Lustbader to name a very small few. History, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Fiction, Non Fiction you name it I'll read it.
Single Parents, anyone who has served or serves in the armed forces. Police and Firefighters because they have more courage than I'll ever hope to have.