Name: Holland Armstrong
Birthdate: 11-09-90
Birthplace: Akron
Current Location: Sitting here
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Blonde
Height: 5'0.. dont be jealous
Weight: uhm 104-108?
Piercings: 2, one in each ear
Tatoos: none
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Yup, the best...Ty
Overused Phraze: Oh My Bob
Food: Uhm turkey and dumplings
Candy: Too many to choose
Number: 9 all the way
Color: Purple
Animal: MOOSE
Drink: Smoothies
Bagel: Blueberry with peanut butter
Body Part on Opposite sex: His eyes and butt lol
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: None
McDonalds or BurgerKing: Either is fine
Strawberry or Watermelon: Strawberry
Hot tea or Ice tea: Ew
Chocolate or Vanilla Vanilla
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Hot Chocolate
Kiss or Hug: Both
&..39;Rap or Punk:' Rap
Summer or Winter: Spring
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Depends
Love or Money: I got the love... now i need millions lol
Bedtime: When i fall asleep
Most Missed Memory: I got a few
Best phyiscal feature: Uhm hair i guess
First Thought Waking Up: Man I gotta pee
Goal for this year: Good grades and get my license
Best Friends: Shelby Aeriel Katie TY Andy Drew Jason
Weakness: Him and baby animals!
Fears: Tornados
Heritage: A lot
Longest relationship: This one so far but I hope it lasts
Ever Drank: yup
Ever Smoked: nope
Pot: no
Ever been Drunk: nope
Ever been beaten up: No
Ever beaten someone up: No I don't fight
Ever Shoplifted: Nope
Ever Skinny Dipped: Yes
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: YUP
Been Dumped Lately: Nope!
Favorite Eye Color: Blue
Favorite Hair Color: Brown
Short or Long: Medium
Height: Taller than me
Style: Whatever looks nice
Looks or Personality: Both
Hot or Cute Cute
Drugs and Alcohol: None
Muscular or Really Skinny: Between
Number of Regrets in the Past: Some but if I never made them I wouldn't be me
What country do you want to Visit: England, Ireland, Holland
How do you want to Die: Doing something I love, or someone haha
Been to the Mall Lately: Been a little while
Do you like Thunderstorms: When Im alone no but when Im with people yes
Get along with your Parents: For the most part
Health Freak: Heck no
Do you think your Attractive: Well Im pretty darn sexy lol
Believe in Yourself: Yea
Want to go to College: Of course
Do you Smoke:&..39;
Do you Drink: Nope
Shower Daily: Once a week.... of course I do
Been in Love: Only once, and it's now
Do you Sing: Yup but not well
Want to get Married: Yea
Do you want Children: Yup
Have your future kids names planned out: You'll find out when I have them
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: When the right time comes
Hate anyone: Nope Im good
- or -
Julia Roberts
Rascal Flatts
Ellen Degeneres
Maury and Dr.Phil
I listen to a lot of different things.ChelseaMSChelseaMS