Dharmashakti has created original chants based on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and other sacred texts. Treat yourself to a wonderful and unusual Kirtan featuring table, horns, electronics, tabla, improvisation and more! The teachings from the Sutras combined with nontraditional instruments, jazz stylings, and instrumental moments for reflection create a unique, exciting, and inventive Kirtan.
Dharmashakti has performed music in venues around the world. He is a certified Yoga instructor as well as recipient of a Mabel R. Dodge Music Omi international residency fellowship, two Australian Green Awards for musical direction, and an OMA award as Outstanding Outmusician of the Year.
After 15 years in New York, he now resides in New Mexico.
Dharmashakti leads Sangha every Monday night at 7:30pm at The Source in Albuquerque. Yoga Sutra lessons, chanting and group meditation. The Source for Creating Sacredness — 1111 Carlisle Blvd SE Albuquerque NM 87106 (505) 349-5596