I sail on dreams
I dip in memories
I hold the wind
I drink Poetry
I breathe songs
I read faces
I cry words
I smile secrets...
We don't have to love places. It's not the most important thing. We need to love faces, hands, smiles, voices...
We can love the world around us, but it's better to love the worlds inside the people. Worlds of feelings, thoughts and dreams.
We can hold a lifestyle, but it's so much better to hold bodies and souls!
We can wait for our salary, for the weekend, for the summer, for great vacations... But it's beautiful to wait for people, to look at their eyes and to read their feelings.
We can think about our interests and get involved in our studies, our work, our plans... But the essence of Life is to think about our actions, about our relationships and to learn each day with other people how to live in peace, how to make happiness and hope.
We just need to open our eyes, our spiritual eyes to see the real meaning of our presence in this world. It's more than passions, pleasures and fun that die like our bodies. It's to understand that we can only find peace and be
happy when we live for Love, without frontiers, barriers, pride and prejudices. Living a perfect Love that comes from the soul and is eternal because it's the essence of God.
BLOGS: http://verbovivo.zip.net