I love to go hunting in the fall, I run, lift weights and I love to volunteer down at the the firehouse.....I love helping others. Umm.........thats all I really gotta say, so if you want to know more......ask me!!Take the quiz: "Which Military Branch Do You Belong In?"
You are a gun-ho Marine! You are willing to do everyone's dirty work (with the help of the Navy.) and you are willing to risk your life for your country in the biggest way!
Most people I can think of put down the names of famous people here....well, not me. I'd like to meet anyone who thinks they have the same interests as me, along with any old friends I've lost touch with, or just any random person.
I listen to what ever feels right at the moment.
Dating & Relationship Advice
MySpace Layouts
Saving Private Ryan, SWAT, Backdraft, Ladder 49, and a hell of a lot more that I can't think of.
Rescue Me, Grey's Anatomy (its an ok show), CSI (the original, NOT miami, or ny).
Cop, Fireman, or Paramedic?
You are a laid back person, until the heat gets turned up, then you get to work! Until that time, you just like to hang out. You are most likely a team play. When it comes to your tastes, you focus on what is the most practical.
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my heros are all the men and women who have given their lives for this country, and most arent as respected for that as they should be. i've gotta say that my heros are the firefighters who died in 9/11 when the towers came down.....and the mothers,fathers, husbands, wives,brothers,sisters, sons, daughters... who also died that day doing what they thought was right. i was raised to respect the military, and b/c of that the men and women over seas are also my heros.