HI I am a Maltese-Lhasa Apso. I was born 4/18/07. I have a great life and would love to share it with you.
I am the youngest of 3 dogs. Chopper a Sheltie is the oldest, then there is Bella she is a bit wacked. She is a Golden Retriever and Lab mix and is totally afraid of the water. Go figure. Mom, dad and the 4 boys take good care of me. The boys are teaching me to dirt bike ride and mom teaches me to ride a quad. I like it about 18 mph. I have recently went on my first wake-boarding trip. That was fun! I am taking classes to be good hehe! I have learned to sit, stay, leave it, down and properly walk. Mommy gets tired of these tricks so she has taught me to fetch, shake, roll over, play peek a boo and I am now learning to Bow to the Queen. I recently broke my leg...thanks Bella the Dumb Dog, but I am getting better.
I have pins in my rear leg but have finally started using it a bit.
I wanna be a princess! Mommy is working on that.
Welcome to my adventures I hope you enjoy them.
.. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Copied from MySpace.com --
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