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About Me

LO S L AXA NT ES1979: gobierno militar, el rock nazional (sin rock), tan solo murmullos de colaboracionistas como Mefistos de facto, nada bueno que escuchar ni sentirse identificado...el jazz rock estaba permitido, fusiones aburridas con el tango anticipaban lo inevitable: punk rock. Era el comienzo de la globalización, lo que sucedía en el mundo, las grandes capitales, se contagiaba con ritmo primario y sin autocensura, todo un desafío. Aqui aparece Hari B. y Sergio Gramática, los reales 1ºs punks con su grupo LOS TESTÍCULOS, después conocidos como LOS VIOLADORES, en ésos días de quinceañeros frustrados por tamaña represión Alejandro Rojo (Alex Raid) y Horacio Villafañe (Gamexane) después de escuchar "Pink flag" (WIRE) y Sex Pistols se aventuran a generar la música que no existía: punk rock argentino. Reclutan a Gustavo Dasso (el Yankee) y se hacen llamar Los Laxantes, haciendo su 1º gig en ABBA café-concert, cuyo dueño Esteban Mellino en su debut los expulsa del escenario por "malos modales"...luego de ésto se presentan en "La Cuesta" ya con Quique Valle (Equis) en voz y sin bajo, pero con futuro bajista-ícono de la escena local actual: Félixx Sagnia (lo de Sagnia venía de"Holidays in the sun", (Rotten parecía decir "sagnia" en vez de "sun"), y luego de unos ensayos la cosa va poniéndose mejor, mas gigs, aparecen otros grupos : Los Baraja (La Plata), Trixy y sus Maniáticos, Los Inhóspitos de Tutankamon, etc. El tiempo pasa y Alex de a poco se va de la banda y en la batería lo reemplaza Pablo Esau (compañero de clase de Equis)quien logra que el sonido del grupo se ponga bien power. Cómo sigue la historia amerita otro capítulo, rechazando contrato de grabación al pedir que se auto-censuren las letras, sólo LOS VIOLADORES aceptaron, dejando atrás la verdadera razón de porque existir en medio de tanto fascismo...He aquí un resumen mega-speed de lo que pasó, luego Galtieri declara la guerra a UK, las cosas se ponían cada vez peor,como dice la letra de"Crisis Mundial"....(Gamexane)
e1979. Militar government in Argentina, nazional rock* (lacking of rock), just collaborationist murmurs, like fascist Mefistos; nothing good to listen to or to identify with. Jazz rock was allowed, boring fusions with tango anticipated the inevitable: punk rock. It was the beginning of globalization; what was happening in the world, and the big cities, was transmitted with primary and uncensored rhythm, a whole new challenge. It was then when Hari B. and Sergio Gramatica, actually the first punks, with their band Los Testiculos (The Testicles), later known as Los Violadores (The Violators), made their appearance. During those teenage years frustrated by such an overwhelming repression, Alejandro Rojo (Alex Raid) and Horacio Villafañe (Gamexane), after listening to "Pink flag" (by WIRE) and the Sex Pistols, ventured to generate otherwise inextistent music: Argentinean Punk Rock. They recruited Gustavo Dasso (el Yankee), called themselves Los Laxantes (The Laxatives), and performed their first gig in ABBA cafe-concert. There, the owner, Esteban Mellino, expelled them on their debut for displaying "bad manners"... Afterwards, they performed in La Cuesta, now with Quique Valle (Equis) on lead vocals and bass guitar, along with would-be-icon-of-the-present-local-scene bass guitarist Félixx Sagnia (named after "Holidays in the sun", a song in which Rotten seemed to say "sagnia", instead of "sun"). After some rehearsals things seemed to improve- more gigs, more bands such as Los Baraja (from La Plata), Trixy y sus Maniáticos, Los Inhóspitos de Tutankamon, among others... Time went by and Alex left the band, he was replaced on drums by Pablo Esau (Alex's classmate), who gave power to the band's sound. How did the story follow? This deserves another chapter, as the band rejected a tempting recording contract due to the requirement of auto-censoring their own lyrics. This would mean to give up on the only good reason for existing amid so much fascism...This contract was only accepted by Los Violadores. This was a mega-speed-brief account of what happened; later, Galtieri declared war to the UK; things got worse, as the lyrics of "Crisis Mundial" (Worldwide Crisis) goes... Gamexane(*) National rock was the name given to rock made in Argentina, in opposition to US or UK rock.
Los Laxantes (fragmento)

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Member Since: 9/18/2007
Band Members: Gamexane (gtr-vox)
El Yankee (bass)
Alex Raid (dr)

Gamexane (gtr)
Quique Valle (X) (vox)
Félixx Sagnia (bass)
Pablo Esau (dr)
Influences: Wire, The Damned, P.I.L., Gary Numan, Los Testículos, Clash, Sex Pistols, Cheap Trick, Bram Tchaikovsky, Klark Kent, Buzzcocks, Generation X
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