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About Me

Yolandi , writes her music inspired by her personal love and passionate appreciation for life/God . Her style is a unique fusion of her jamaican roots/rock reggae with a spiritual, souful yet contemporary flavour, topped off with powerful words of life transforming messages. Vanessa Yolandi was born to sing songs of change. Jamaican born in the parish of St. Elizebeth and Kingston raised , She has made her nest in Ocho Rios , St.Ann the parish her grandmother was born and great ones like Bob Marley and Marcus Garvey. Vanessa Yolandi graced the world of the stage at an early age in drama, winning many awards. A universalist, song writer/singer ,yoga teacher/student and devoted mother of four. Yolandi, is gratefully fulfilling her purpose, which is to address through music, human rights issues close to her heart like world pollution, mind pollution, women rights, children rights , racism and class prejudices, wars and corruption in high and low places but most of all to remind all that the creator is love and we all are love . Healing everyone through music for this empress is her way of LIFE . After much motivation , radically, she is energizing the four corners of earth with her crystal sound and concious teachings and is receiving much attention locally and internationally.

Yolandi embodies the spirit of truth, Jamaicas best kept secret is being revealed , Yolandi's dubut albulm is in progress with a strong talented team backing her. She has been performing and is fulfilling her aim of uniting all people in oneness through the power of music. She is seriously didicated to this cause and is gratefully sharing this vision with the people of this world ,she knows others share the same vision and would like to meet you ,for contact or bookings email supernovanessa@hotmail.com.

YolandI embodies the voice of the ancient mother messenger , her words will no doubt live for the future. Now playing locally and radio stations internationally, are her first three song releases, BABYLON WALLS MUST CRUMBLE, WAKE UP and CHILDREN ARE THE FUTURE , listen, share and fulljoy. To listen to her powerful music go to WWW.PLANETKEEPERMUSIC.COM ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.

Excecutive producers are herself and life partner Pierre Diaz and the amazing talents of Andy" Bobo" King(Housemaster) as co-producer . Mickey Speckle Mckenzie as procosionist/drummer for Sanchez, Luciano, Steel pulse,Culture also Latoya and Gigo on b/g vocals .A special big up all the other right ones embracing her healing music. YolandI sends her blessings to all , The Creator of life and her partner, friends and family who have also made these songs of joy and vision a possibility , oneness.

Find new MySpace layouts at pYzam .

My Interests


Member Since: 9/18/2007
Band Website: www.planetkeepermusic.com
Band Members:
Influences: The All-Mighty, lovers of Life, my children, all children and all the great lovers of positive music, listening and creating and sharing. Poets like Kalil Gabran , the great ancestors.The words I Live and accept as most true to influencing my purpose , first the living words written by Earth Mother reflected everyday within life, the great teachers and followers of the Nazarene/Essene and my favourite from Her Majesty Empress Menen a speech by her daughter on her behalf at the World women Assoc. at Sept 13, 1928 "We world women are living in different countries with different climates, all women are interrelated with the same will and the same objectives. War is distress and trouble of mankind, all world women are in different countries, different race, religion, the act of violence and war victimized their husbands, brothers and children, WAR IS A DESTRUCTION OF THE FAMILY, WOMEN ARE AGAINST WAR, WOMAN STAND AGAINST WAR"Haile Selassie I Quote - "Throughout history , it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; The indifference of those who should have known better; The silence of the voice of Justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph. I and I Choose to stand up for LIFE ITERNAL. Peace within.
Sounds Like:

My Blog

Wake Up

Posted by on Wed, 29 Oct 2008 19:57:00 GMT

BEAUTIFUL WORDS of inspiration

Paula Gunn Allen/weaving the visionThere is a spirit that pervades everything,that is capable of powerful song and radiantmovement, and that moves in and out of mind.the colours of this spirit are mul...
Posted by on Fri, 01 Aug 2008 19:50:00 GMT

Living The Science of Mind/Ernest Holmes (LOVE IT)

Good and more Good is mine. An ever increacing Good is mine. There is no limits, to the good which is mine. Everywhere I go I see Good, it crowds itself against me, flows through me, expresses itself ...
Posted by on Fri, 01 Aug 2008 19:33:00 GMT

Tammy B prod., Yolandi performing in the hills of Mobay,St.James.

In the beautiful, unspoiled, cool hills of Rohampton in Anchovey, St James, Jamaica, Iwas blessed to grace the stage,accomplishing one of my goals in performing my first song releases , the stars wer...
Posted by on Mon, 14 Jul 2008 17:31:00 GMT

mothers like "MAMA MARLEY"

Posted by on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 08:38:00 GMT