friends-new and old, meeting new people, driving around, listening to music, reading whatever seems interesting, practicing being a vegetarian/vegan, movies in general, beer in its vaste quantity of different tastes - all that is come to mind for the moment
Myspace Codes
i'd have to say anyone, no one in particular
meeting new people everyday and just talking about anything and everything would make my day! some people from past generations would be awesome!
i am open to any type of music, but to choose a certain genre? Rock/Experimental/Punk/Indie/
Acoustic/Alternative/Folk Rock
for the most part
horror,comedy,sci-fi's,dramas: you name it i will probably watch it
not the usual tv viewer! meh
love reading, learning, and growing myself! read too many to list, and many more with not enough room to fill!
my friends the few they are, but they are there for me! Love you mum!