This may surprise you, but Mr. Matt Studios has been around for over 15 years recording bands and solo acts at phenominally low prices. Being a musician myself, I know how hard it is to make money playing local music. Because of this, I offer bands and solo artists a very (and I mean VERY) cheap demo package. I usually can get a 3 or 4 song demo done in one night. I spend the next night mixing it down and burning a copy of a CD (with Label) for your listening enjoyment. You can take it home, and critique it, and if there's anything that needs fixed, bring it back and I'll fix it for free!! Sounds crazy, but as I've always said, next to playing the bass, I absolutely love recording fellow musicians! On occasion, I'll post 4 songs from different bands on this myspace site and perodically I'll change them from time to time so I can promote as many bands/musicians that I can. Below is a list of some of the bands that I've had the pleasure of working with:
Nikki Wilson
3 Amigos
Dirty Talk
Jam Doctors
Voodoo Slave
Mad Gathering
Whiskey Roulette
Brian "Weebz" Weibel
Ritalin Jones
Babble Jack
Vertical Reign (complete 10 song CD you can purchase at CD Baby!!)
Rob Adams (Acoustic)
Rob Adams and the Phat Cats (a must see acoustic and full band!)
Jason Sadler
Fury (featuring the amazing Sean Hargis on drums and women)
Matt Venus Project
The Douglas'
So What
John Fauth
Pastor Of Muppets
and many, many more!!!!!
Myspace Layouts
Recorded at Mr. Matt Studios!!! Buy one today!