-'B e L L e'- profile picture

-'B e L L e'-

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About Me

a L o H a iM jobeLLe;) sUm of maH fRieNdzS caLL me beLLe..a FASHIONISTA..iM sWeet *seXy*,joLLie,a mOvihOLiK,muZiC LoVeR,bUbLy buT i caN be cRueL sOmetiMes,ShWHahaha L8z Cy iM a biT nOTTie..aHHh..i Like 2 PaRtee,not riLy a paRty anImal, jUst Love 2 DanZ..yO rYt!.. eVerytiMe i hEar muZic daTz KooL*seXy*& FunKy & maKe me feeL likE danCiN' I WiLL,fuR ShURrr..i wUv haNgiN oUt w/MAh FweNdzS..wEe LuV to eAt! fOOd triPPing,thaTs whaT we Love 2 dO..MIzS thaT stUff wE dO guYzSS!..Whuhuhuh..&i Love tO ShOP..HELL YEA!...Sum of maH fRieNDZ & otheR PiPzS oUt thEre Cy thaT iM fraNK or straiGht forwaRd,GhuHh!.weLL,maYBe i aM(?)..iM sUmtYmZ mOOdy & sUmtYmS i caN reaLLy be BAD!..U jusT thiNk yoU kNOw,buT u HAv No ideA..buT theRE R TyMzS uLL caugHt mE sMiLiN' aLUn..craZy??defiNiteLy nOt..iM jusT thiNKin of CraZee tHingS.Hmm?.. i caN do crazY stuFFs.uh huh!.u reaD it rYt..d GOOD SlDE OF MEH??.r u ShuRR??Hmm..I LOVE MY FAMILY,FWENDZSs AND OFCURZSSs GOD!. .L8z 2k Bout LOVE..iM SINGLE..buT IM ENJOYIN' maH LyF beiNg 1 & beiNg fREE..FEEL ZSSOO GOOD!,zShuGzS!beiNg sinGLE iS noT a cuRSe,8z a bLEssiNg(i juSt reaD that)XhahA.. but i gUEz 8z reaLLy trUe,buT wEn im NLOVE?! iD dFnTLy gO CRAZY oveR D GUY,i wUd tNk of HiM 24/7,DUDE!SshAhaha..iT aiNt haRd.derS nothiN 2 wORi,cOs derS a lot oF fiSheZSs iN the sEA.?!huRr!.iM foNd oF teXtinn waTchiN tV & DANCiN,.YO RYTE!..iLove peOple whO Lov Me and i Lov peopLe whO haTe me,YEAH! I DO,8z beCauSe theYre zsOo fuNy..i dOnt caRe they aRe juSt a buNch of craPs wHoS fUckiN' *****S of me..nYaHAha Come oN!..GiMmE a breaK!..Uh hUh! GET A LIFE!..thEyRe entiTLEd 2 saY aNythIn Bout mE,coS itS deR opinIOn!.cOS i wONt eVEn caRe..DUH!..aNYwaY.. tO eNd thiS;; iM noT jUSt a siMpLE gurL..as WhaT u haVE reaD up theRE^^u thiNk sO?! M dEfiNIteLY nOt!..(taKE 8 frOm me)SshhUg..M juSt eNJOyiN wAt LyF haS 2 oFFeR & iM juSt LiviN' maH liFE tO thE fuLLesT.ShuGzS!...sO thaTs iT!.eNougH of ME!.okeiZSs?.(FetCh!..AhHHrr) chiLL!.. CozS iM OuTie!..

a href="http://pp.blackplanet.com/BP-Grafix"target="_blank"
*********************** AND IM**************************
J j O y O u S
O o D d
B b R i L L i a N t
E e N j O y A b L e
L L i T t L e
L L o u D
E E a R t H y Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com juZsss tRy Me!..hahaha...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

=mAybe jasoN LewiS,he iS a mOdeL.......seXy!!!! =wAde rObsOn coS he iS a gOOd daNzEr!! =LEE coS i LoVe hiM..hehehe =cOLin faRReLL-------- hE maKes me Go cRaZy...he iS sOO hOt =JONATHAN BENNETT,Ohh MAh god!,,,thats oL i caN saY...;) BOYZ BOYZ BOYZ BOYZ!... aNd iNcaSe uR wOndeRin y thERe aRe piCz oF soME maLe ceLebS..weLL,, i Love BoyZ,doNt thiNk iM a sLut coZ im deFiniteLy not!..iM juSt opEn aBout iT!.. cOme oN!...dOnt teLL me yoU dOnt..!,,,(if uRe a GurL)..heheIf U haV rEad everYthing up theRe!...^ ^ ^ ^.. Dont tHink that u wOuLd haVE a haRd tiMe deALin wiTh mE,coS iM freAkin niCe..HAha..seRioUsLy i aM.... SweeT_joBeLLe,thaT eXpLaiNs it aLL...YOU,yeah YOu! aDD mE iF u waNt,buT i assUre yoU u wOnt regRet it.... u juSt haVE tO be cooL...hehehehe jUSt be tRue tO yOUrsElf!.. if u Care tO add; [email protected] u waNt tO add Testi's,,u r free tO dO so... anD thaNks!!.....ROCK MY WORLD!... gOtta gO!...

ShoRtee Juz kEeP iT rEaL.. uH huH!..

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try this

JJoyousOOddBBrilliantEEnjoyableLLittleLLoudEEarthyName / Username: Name Acronym GeneratorFrom Go-Quiz.com
Posted by on Sat, 02 Apr 2005 06:06:00 GMT

♥pLeAsE dO cAre tO rEad!!! I bEg U!♥

I jUst WaNt tO sAy a BIG bIG "THANKYOU" 4 aDdin mE up!!!...so NICe oF u GUyZZ.... And to ThoSe wHo pOsted sOme Cutie CommEntZss,,,,Thanks! if uD liKe To POst oNe oR mOre,gO,u R Truly wELcome......
Posted by on Mon, 29 Nov 2004 05:36:00 GMT

you,,,,yeAh you!!!ü

I want to meet somebody who is nice,sweet,sexy and someone very interesting.... You,yuppy... U might be the one im lookin' for so,,,,come on..... try me! I.d love to meet somebody here!!! who k...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Nov 2004 05:18:00 GMT