Yup it's Alex profile picture

Yup it's Alex

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Aventura & Frankie J. - Los Infieles Remix


Wanna Listen 2 Hot Trax?


I Cut So Much, You Thought I Was a DJ...

I'm Dominican. Born'N'bred in Queens (baby baabaay) and Santo Domingo (pa'que sepa!) so reppin' both 2 tha fullest! Calm, cool and collected. Laid back kinda guy. Computer Network Engineer slash Mortgage Broker slash Realtor slash Business Man. I have alzheimers so I probably won't remember you if we've met unless you were real nice or pretty or smart or something good like that, yeah. I'm Confident. Intelligent. Ambituous...err Ambitious. Witty. Spontaneous. FUNNY. Biig sense of humor, I like to put a smile on the face of whoever I'm with. Creative. Optimistic! Originaaal (say it with me people). Competitive. Honest and upfront, oh and Witty again. HONORABLE and LOYAL. Man of his word. Women so you say it's hard to find a SMART guy out there? Try me. Very controlled and berry kra-z at same time, I'm an extremist. I love x-treme sports so I'm pretty fearless when it comes to risky or dangerous activities! 18+ please...
...slash I'm who you come to if you wanna get hooked up with the latest Fendi, Prada, Burberry, Dior, etc etc. No china town fakes here ladies so bring the money.
PS: Ok so no matter what I said I'm still selling myself short (haHA). Now that that's cleared up, you may proceed; with caution. :-)

Some nights out on the town... Miami Vice!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Jesus. But if you mean like regular people n'stuff it would be someone whose life doesn't revolve around material things. Smart people are ALWAYS welcome (OK I'll be fair so the not so smart too as long as you try), family oriented is nice. Honesty; why live a lie? Negativity isn't cool so keep your "dark thundering cloud" over your head if you desire, I like my days sunny. Only one person can have a dark cloud (U know who you are if you're reading this LOL). Nice easy going personality, what's all the fuss about?? No, I don't care about your gossip. You can practice any religion you like, I respect everyones opinions and beliefs as long as I'm not next to you when you blow yourself up, seriously. Umm lets see what else... If you're pretty I wanna see you smile and if you're not then smile anyway. I'd think most of you are clean but I'll mention it regardless, don't be hygienically challenged. I know most of ya are lazy bums that probably haven't read this far but if you have then my congrats to you, you are the ones I want to hear from. Oh and drink a glass of milk a day, it does a body good. Ok that wasn't funny.

My Blog

Apparently I have a twin bro in California!

Thanx to a friend I've spotted another one of my twins (there is another one in NY somewhere, just couldn't find him now).  You can drop by and say hello to this loser here:http://profile.myspace...
Posted by on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 20:18:00 GMT