About Me

Johan Miranda mas conocido como MASTER TIKO nacio en Costa Rica en el 1985, criandoce en un barrio pobre de su paiz LA LEON XIII conocida por sus asaltos a mano armada y por las ventas de drogas en la calle, el aprendio a sobre salir de un mundo oscuro para lograr alcanzar lo q ahora tiene, la historia de el no es muy diferente a muchos raperos y jovenes q llegan a un nuevo lugar residiendo en Long Island New York, el siempre tiene en mente de lograr llegar a su meta sin tener q recurrir a trampas o mentiras, paso a paso a hido logrando cumplir su sueno y con influencias de muchos exponentes de diferentes generos el se a mantenido firme sin importar las criticas, burlas, emvidias e insultos de otros raperos q no lo quieren dejar crecer, pero como dice el siempre "Pa esto no solo se nace, tambien se desarrolla el don"... Tiko, como muchos lo llaman, y apesar de su vaja estatura a logrado mantenerse en pie junto a gigantes de su genero, dando presentaciones en vivo en clubs, eventos especial y fiestas privadas y siendo entrevistado en vivo en radios locales mientras ponen canciones de el,TIKO afirma el que apenas esta cosechando lo q un dia con mucho orgullo piensa recoger.. lo que a este joven mas le interesa es ser escuchado y apollado q ser criticado por otros cantantes, por eso el a los q lo apoyan el les decea bendiciones y respetos y a los q no lo lo quieren ver crecer el les dice : FUCK YOU A TODOS HATERS
Johan Miranda known as MASTER TIKO was born in Costa Rica in 1985, growing up in a poor county, LA LEON XIII known for assaults it’s selling of drugs on the streets. He learned to crawl out of a dark world and succeeded to reach his dream. His past isn’t too different from many other rappers and young students that move to Long Island New York. He’s always been determined to get where he is today without cheating and lies. Little by little he has reached his dreams with influence from artist of different genres and he has overcome criticism, envy, and insults from other rappers that don’t want to let him succeed. Like he always says “You aren’t just born with a gift, it’s something that you have to work hard on.” TIKO as many people know him, and even though he's small in size, he can keep up with giants with in his genre. He has done live performances at clubs, especial events and private partys and has been interviewed by many local radios while they play some of his songs. What interest him the most is to be heard and supported. He thanks his fans very much for all the support and respect and to all the people that don’t want to see him grow he says : FUCK YOU TO ALL THE HATERS

My Interests


Member Since: 18/09/2007
Band Members: Master Tiko

Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

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