I would like to meet My Heavenly Father at the gates of heaven; I would like to meet My Father at the gates of heaven; I would like to meet My Mother at the bank with a seven figure check; I would like to meet Nick at pebble for a little “shankageâ€; I’d like to meet Brandon on Pennsylvania Ave to change the world; I would like to meet Matt in Detroit to receive the Riddler; I would like to meet Winston Churchill for a coffee and a cigarette; I would like to meet Chip Foose as he hands me the Keys to “Elinoreâ€; I would like to meet Bill Gates and talk some sense into him; I would like to meet Doyle Brunson and “take him downâ€; I would like to meet Bill Ford as he hands me the keys to my Ford GT; I would like to meet King Solomon and ask for his thoughts on Predestination and Free Will; I would like to meet Martin Luther and talk about Catholics; and lastly I would like to meet myself in twenty years and talk about all the things I’m going to screw up.
Mayer, Damien Rice, Jason Upton, Norah Jones, Juliana Theory... you get the idea.
Matrix (all), Shawshank Redemption, Monty Python, Rounders, Lord of The Rings (all), Finding Neverland, and no one could ever forget Boondock Saints!!!
How I met your mother, house, mythbusters, CSI, you can't forget The Office, and whatever else I have on my DVR at the moment.
Super Systems, Doyle Brunson; Wild At Heart, John Elderage, Anything C.S. Lewis wrote (especially Mere Christianity and Screwtape letters); and anything that makes me laugh at the left but not feel included (shut up Brandon).
God, My Grandfather, My Mother, Chip Foose, and Doyle Brunson. Any interested party may feel free to submit a resume at their leisure.