Diagnosed with a tumor the size of a basketball, Brandon was catapulted on a remarkable, soul-searching and ultimately freeing healing journey in which she uncovered a means to get direct access to the soul, to the boundless healing potential inside all of us. Only six-and-one-half weeks later she was pronounced tumor free, text-book perfect, no drugs — no surgery!!
"Through the humbling and profoundly transformational experience of naturally healing from a tumor in only six-and-one-half weeks, I uncovered a boundless joy and freedom that have been my daily experience ever since.
This is the most priceless gift of my life.
Since that remarkable journey begun in 1992, it's been extraordinarily moving and inspiring to watch Journeywork catch fire in every country in which it is offered. Across the globe, tens of thousands of people use Journeywork to discover true freedom in their lives. They're discovering their own answers and uncovering their own deepest truth. They are clearing out past emotional blocks and physical challenges that have held them back. And they are finally healing on all levels of their being.
Ordinary people are getting
extraordinary results.
It seems that no matter what your background is, how old you are, what your culture or upbringing has been, everyone knows there is a huge untapped presence inside, and we all secretly long to experience it. This presence is awake while you're asleep at night, making your heart beat, cells replicate and hair grow.
Part of the extraordinary gift of my own healing journey was to discover and pioneer a simple, yet powerful, step-by-step means to get direct access to the infinite wisdom inside, a wisdom that can reveal old emotional patterns and memories stored in your cells, and a healing energy that is capable of resolving and clearing those old issues so completely the body and the being can go about the process of healing naturally."
The Journey is now recognized internationally as one of the most powerful healing processes available, accessing the body's own healing wisdom at the deepest level of 'source' or the soul.
Brandon Bays is one of the most dynamic and profoundly innovative teachers in the field of mind-body healing today. She is known for her warmth, caring, and spontaneous humor. Over the last 30 years Brandon has become highly trained in all types of personal development, and remains at the cutting edge of mind-body healing. Her work is inspirational. It has been enthusiastically endorsed by Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Candace Pert, John Grey, Wayne Dyer, Jane Seymour, Anthony Robbins, and many others.
Journey Seminars are conducted on 5 continents and in scores of countries 47 weeks out of every year by Brandon and those trained by her most deeply in this work. Brandon and her team travel the globe bringing this healing message from London to Sydney to the USA and all points in between.
Welcome To The Journey
Brandon Bays with Lynne McTaggart
Journey Outreach
A Journey Card Just For You