Kramfid se je rodil leta 1997 v ljubljani, tocnega datuma se ne ve. Penetracijo je zacel na hard core sceni v Zeleznikih. V vecih oblikah so kreaturo videli po vsej sloveniji, obcasno so mu dorasle in odpadle lovke; nekaj casa se je prikazoval tudi v nemciji, isti sestav pa je tekel tudi maraton studentski, zal je tekel zadnjic. Kmalu zatem izmed starih udov ostaneta 2, od nekdaj zvesta, Ratko-kitara in Vasja-bobni, telesu pa je prisit tretji ud kitarobasist Linc.
Trenutna zasedba Kramfida je posnela sama, v placu za vaje, 3 demo komade (poslusas zgoraj), ostali material sledi v bliznji prihodnosti. Travm se ni konec. Stvor je mocno potreben ene daljse avanture. Ampak ali mu bo uspelo? Tava po Sloveniji in nic ne kaze, da bi nehal.
Kramfid was born in 1997 in ljubljana/slovenia, exact date unknown. Penetration started in Zelezniki hardcore scene. In many forms the creature was seen all over Slovenia, occasionally its tentacles grew or fell off; it was also spotted in germany, same assembly ran Radiostudent marathon, but sadly the last run. Soon after only 2 limbs remain, still loyal, Ratko-guitar and Vasja-drums and the body gets a third limb attached, Linc-guitarbass.
Current members of Kramfid recorded 3 demo songs in their practice room(listen on the top), the rest of the material will be publically available in near future. Traumas arent over yet. Creature badly needs a longer adventure. But will it make it? It wonders around Slovenia, with an end not in sight.
Izdane stvari/released (mp3 na/on
-Republica Palma de Cocco (demo 1),
- Dead man city,
- The Underworld,
- 2+2,
- Schnellkurs (demo 2),
- Kramzin.
Kontakt:Ratko 041/302-666, [email protected], , Linc 041/320-301, [email protected]
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (