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Monika Ingrid

I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

Hallo aus Deutschland, ich heisse Monika und bin vierzehn Jahre alt. Ich wohne in Sddeutschland und bin Studentin. Ich gehe wahnsinnig gern zu Parties, Disco, usw. In Englisch, sorry if my Englisch is not so perfekt, but I am called Monika, and come from Germany. I love to go Parties, Discos, anything fun! If it is fun I will try any thing at least once, as the expression go. I would like to meet guys here for friend or meet or party with, especially black American guys I love very much! I was raise in a bad rasist kind of environment, but I hate rasism and Nazi shit. Any way, guys or black guys, if you like to write to me if you like chat sometime. I also have Yahoo Mesenger, my screen-name by it is: monika_ingrid69 or E mail is: [email protected] Du kannst auch ebenfalls auf Deutsch schreiben, aber ich wuerde lieber mein Englisch ueben...

My Blog

hi all you guys / thank you

Hi I have sign up to my space only 2 days ago because my friend had rekomend it as good way to know new (black) guys. i am very suprise how many guys write me and how many new friend I make and am ver...
Posted by Monika Ingrid on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST