WEST PHILLY Y.G. {TRAY$} LxC profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

""Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery.Malcolm X""Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery.".. Malcolm X"Da yahxx i$ [email protected] hxlla aT M3Cherok33 G y3a Tha$ M3!!! Ima WILD ASS CHEROKEE NIGGA FrxM daT W3$T$id3 xF PKhilly...I BKeen everyWhere FroM Philly to LA and every CiTy in between, I like to Chill and have fun, I stay in sum bullshit, hate drama, BKut aint no stranger to Tha suBKject. I believe in GOD and I love him 4 The simple FaCT that he keeps on blessing Me. I luv 2 throw partys and get them jawns CraCCin. I love drinkin and get bklown 2 often. I love ma bkaby Gurl SaRae-Marie Wimberly and BKuT 4 r3al Tho I GoTTa daughter now and I don’t need Tha drama, I love Ma NeWborn daughter Sarae-Marie *ki$$* I’M Missin her like Crazy right now…bkut you kno I Gotta Make that Money For my princ3ss….ShouT out To GOD, The reason Why iM sTill here, MuCh love To My Mother, The $eCond reason Why iM still here in $piTe of all I do $h3 $till LOVES me and I LOVE her Too real rap no Matter what , ya’mean a mothers LOVE is unconditional and don’t ever ForG3T that. TRAYLUV & C39 Tx Ma BKiG hxMi3 xF Cxur$3,OG BKx$$ BKlu oF W/$ 8TRAY FAMLAY GANG$T3R CRIP and Ma Cuzzin/BKroTh3r K-RxC , $houT ouT Tx Ma hxMi3 Dj R.I.C. Tha hxTT3$T Dj in PKhilly(hxlla aT M3 iF yxu Wanna $Ch3dul3 a PKarTy or 3v3nT), $hoUT Tx all Tha r3$T xF Tha TRAY FAM n all Ma hxMi3$ N FaMily MuCh luvv Tx all yall C..3a$y W3$T$iD3 8TRAY FAMLAY GANG$T3R CRIP 4 LiF3 CLLLAAATTTTT!!!!!LOSERS BKEWARE I DISRESPECT ALL MYSPACE GANGSTERS

My Interests

DECEMBER = ATTITUDE Loves to chat. Loves those who love them. Loves to takes things at the center. Great in bed. Inner and physical beauty. Doesn't pretend. Gets angry often. A meaningful love life partner. Treats friends importantly. Brave and fearless. Always making friends. It is all about love and fairness. Easily hurt but recovers easily. Daydreamer. Horny but does fullfill. Opinionated. Does not care to control emotions. Knows what to do to have fun. Unpredictable. Someone to have close to you.Extremely smart, but definitely the hottestFootball, Drums, Engineering, Cars, Guns, Knives, Girls, Other sports, Money$$, Partys, Breakdancing

I'd like to meet:

"Id Cry Fxr My niGGaz, Id di3 fxr My niGGaz, shxTTy up, Ma$k dxWn, Id rid3 Fxr My niGGaz, IM dxWn WiTh My niGGaz, Hxxd BKxund WiTh My niGGaz, Whxl3 T3aM, dx ya ThinG, IM prxud xF My niGGaz! IM r3al WiTh My niGGaz, Id kill Fxr My niGGaz, TuFF luCC, ThrxW Th3 BKxdy in Th3 Trunk Fxr My niGGaz, WASSUP! Tx My niGGaz, G3T Crunk WiTh My niGGaz, G3T BKuC, dxGG, iM quiC Tx knuCl3 up Fxr My niGGaz! Xn Th3 Grind WiTh My niGGaz, hxld Th3 nin3 Fxr My niGGaz, $Tay dipp3d, r3al $hiT, 3MpTy da Clip Fxr My niGGaz! HaT3r$ Talk xn My niGGaz, BKiTCh3$ jxCin My niGGaz, FUC 3M ALL! G's up, DxGG I rxC WiT My NiGGaz! All day WiTh My niGGaz, G3TTin paid WiTh My niGGaz, MuCh lxv3, $quad d33p, Tx Th3 GRAV3, WITH MY NIGGAZ!


Rap, Hip-Hop, R&B, Gospel, Drum solos


Boys in the hood, Hustle & flow, Scarface,State Property1&2..WaTCh Ma CUzz J-Mal aka Xodus Qwake G3T iT!..Ch3a W3 all BKr3ak in Ma FAM


R3ad a MuTHaFUCCin BKook niGGA!!!!!!!Read A Book

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My MxTh3r My older brother Adrian a.k.a. A-son and my cuz Prince(R.I.P.)..

My Blog

Lx$3r a$$ BKiTcH3$ G3T a liF3(xl' BKrxk3 a$ CxunTry hx3$ n hairl3$$ $k33-hxar$)

I r3aliz3 ThaT BKiTCh3$ ainT $hiT and Th3Y alWay$ Gxn haT3 Wh3n u CuT 3M...r3Gardl3$$ iF Th3Y Wa$ nuTTy xr U Wa$ ju$$ FuCCin and iT Wa$ TIM3 2 M8v3 xn 2 Tha n3xT hx3'..... I PK33PK3d Th...
Posted by WEST PHILLY Y.G. {TRAY$} LxC on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 10:32:00 PST

HxW 2 G3T BKlxWN (TuTxrial)

Posted by WEST PHILLY Y.G. {TRAY$} LxC on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 05:53:00 PST

Check out this video: The Simpsons Movie - Whipping Dogs LMAO

Check out this video: The Simpsons Movie - Whipping Dogs Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by WEST PHILLY Y.G. {TRAY$} LxC on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 10:30:00 PST

Check out this video: The Simpsons Movie - Spider Pig

Check out this video: The Simpsons Movie - Spider Pig Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by WEST PHILLY Y.G. {TRAY$} LxC on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 10:29:00 PST

Check out this video: The Simpsons Movie - Chainsaw Gag

Check out this video: The Simpsons Movie - Chainsaw Gag Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by WEST PHILLY Y.G. {TRAY$} LxC on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 10:27:00 PST

Check out this video: Simpson Trailer 1

Check out this video: Simpson Trailer 1 Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by WEST PHILLY Y.G. {TRAY$} LxC on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 10:26:00 PST

iT'$ xFFiCial..i dxnT Wanna h3r3 anxTh3r niGGa $ay iT ainT nx LxC'$ in PKhilly

Elmer Smith | Tale of the tape: Crips, Bloods recruiting here""MALIK AZIZ -- knows gang culture inside and out. Literally.""It's not easy to shock a survivor of the street wars who once parlayed that ...
Posted by WEST PHILLY Y.G. {TRAY$} LxC on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 10:28:00 PST


Life is too short, grudges are a waste of perfect happiness, laugh when you can& apologize when you should, and let go of what you cant change. love deeply and forgive quickly, take chances give every...
Posted by WEST PHILLY Y.G. {TRAY$} LxC on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 09:53:00 PST