Muscle cars, traveling, texas hold-em, Yankees, golf, tattoos, art, children, hanging with friends, cycling, dancing, snow mobiling, working out, reading, animals, camping, off roading, fishing, cooking, soccer, Buffalo sabres, all college sports, comedy, music.
My moms real mother and my Grandpa Mayes and 3 stars of the LA Galaxy...Cobi Jones...Landon Donavan...David Beckham
Grateful Dead, String Cheese Incident, Phish, Janis Joplin, Akon, Pink Floyd, Eminem, Fergy, Disco, Tim McGraw, Kenny Chesney, Big n Rich, Heartland, Oleander, Carrie Underwood, ZZ Top, Bob Marley, Eagles, Fleet Wood Mac, blues music. I enjoy just hanging out and jammin to w/e is good! Down for pretty much any.
Tommy Boy, Crash, sound of Music, Rent, Rumor has it, Pink Panther, How to lose a guy in 10 days, The sweetest thing, house of 1000 corpses, Jackass 1 and 2, Remember the Titians, The Gridiron Gang, Wild Hawgs, Night at the Museum, Wrong Turn, Saw I II III, The Departed, Blood Diamond, Rudy, Blades of Glory, Grandmas Boy, 40 year old Virgin.
Family Guy, Simpsons, ESPN, any sporting event, Deal or No Deal, Survivor, Bachelor or bachelorette, Wheel Of Fortune, CSI NY and Miami, Family Feud, Prison break, American Idol, Dancing with the stars, Shark, ER, Trauma Life in the ER, Road Rules, True Life, History Channel, OCC, Overhauling, Life, LA Ink, All my Children.
The purpose driven life, lance Armstrong Its not about the bike, Beckham both feet on the ground, White angles (Real Madrid), The vagina monologues, 50 things that really matter, The Di Vinci Code, Angles and Demons, and I have a ton more that I have read and don't wanna list.
Jeff Hoerner, My Mom, My Dad: These three individuals have had a huge impact in my life. They have kept me focused and have also showed me the right path to take. My mom is the strongest most amazing person out there. Not only is she my mom but to me she is a sister and my best friend. Jeff is one of my personal trainers and he is like a big bro if not another father figure to me. Through thick and thin he has never left my side. My dad, put it this way I am daddies little girl. I am proud to have him as my father