mud pits.. mustard balloons.. sandboxes.. ponies.. food..puddy the cat.. wheat thins..biting people... speaking loudly...ya know
im going to use this space just cuz i wanna point out that emmy needs help: Sillymanuba1: hahaha oh man you must realise that when we do finally hang out we are going to get into sooo much trouble tonkie1: REALIZE! tonkie1: tubby..come on ive given you so many lessons Sillymanuba1: just gimme a break! tonkie1: ok ok Sillymanuba1: i dont like college... this sucks! its not even helping learn to spell!! tonkie1: haha mope tonkie1: nope tonkie1: hahahah Sillymanuba1: OH!!! WHO SUCKS NOW?!?! Sillymanuba1: BIZZZNATCH! tonkie1: shut your face
'arry potta'! (thats me saying it with a british accent!)
tv is pretty!
Harry Potter!!
the ten year old faded skaters