Gary profile picture


You gotta shake it before you bake it.

About Me

MyGen Profile GeneratorAlright, lets see I have lived in ridgecrest for many years. I am 25 years old. yes I know I am old. And I currently work in management for a nation wide company. I have been working at this job for over 5 years. Now most people cant even keep a job for 1 year let alone 3 days yeah you know who I am talking about. I own my own home so hence the oldness again. I have 2 dogs (red nose pits) The nicest dogs long as I am around. I have a beautiful girlfriend who has 2 wonderful kids. I play the drums and bass guitar and I have both instruments fender infinity bass and a pulse 5 piece drum set. I love to weight lift fuck all those pussies who say they do but dont. I am trying to hit the 400 club in bench pressing. I am up to 330 so almost there. I have two cars now. I drive a 2005 mazda 6 and am working on fully restoring a 86 trans am it runs and everything but want to get it to immaculant condition. I also love to draw and when seasons start I play flag football. Dont let the flag fool you I got injured plenty of times to were it should have been tackle. Oh yeah bacon wraped scallops phenominal.

My Interests

My dream car.........Its freaking supercharged. 11sec quarte miles at only shifting at 5k rpm. Awesome! It has 600+ rw horsepoer. No rice burner will ever match not even a wrx.

I'd like to meet:

What Is Your Best Sexual Skill?
Flirting Skill Level - 60%

Kissing Skill Level - 75%

Cudding Skill Level - 42%

Sex Skill Level - 94%

Why They Love You You are too sexy for words.
Why They Hate You You are too sexy.

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Korn- Coming Undone

Korn's MySpace Page


How to make a Gary
1 part jealousy
5 parts self-sufficiency
3 parts
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of wisdom

Personality cocktail


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E Exquisite
D Dysfunctional
G Graceful
A Astounding
R Respectable
D Dramatic
O Outrageous
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Name Acronym Generator


...........................................................S orry no apllications are being accepted. The positions are filled.

My Blog


My heroe is my own self and my family or people that I know are close to it.I am currently working as a body builder. When I started out approximatly at the end of the year 2004 I weigh 265 pounds. My...
Posted by Gary on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 12:54:00 PST

fear is good.

It seems that a goal is a very hard thing for me to finish... Not to go threw but to finish. Its like running in track. You run the whole dam thing but once you get to the taped finish you cant cross ...
Posted by Gary on Wed, 16 Nov 2005 07:34:00 PST

Truth of Love and Realization.

One time I had fallen in love with a woman and I fell so hard that it was hard to get back up. Eventually the relationship crashed and she was done. But the thing was is i couldnt be done. Wanted it t...
Posted by Gary on Fri, 21 Oct 2005 12:07:00 PST