Kneeboarding, waterskiing, the downfall of "developed" civilization, sleeping, reading, genetics, religion, animals
There is no one I can think of that I'd like to meet. Well...perhaps Bill Cosby, I'd like to meet him.So I had a chance to meet Bill Cosby. I saw him do a stand up at HSU, BUT when I went backstage to try to say hi and get an autograph for my Grandpa, they guys on security told me he had already left. I pressed them anyway, knowing there was no way he'd gotten out that fast. Then they told me he didn't want to sign anything and that I had to leave. So asked if he would at least spit on my ticket lol. They gave me a funny look and made me get out. Oh well. I guess meeting Bill Cosby will never happen. At least I got to see him in person and be in the same room as him, even if I was on the second floor balcony and could barely see his face.
Anything except for rap and other modern day talentless "music."
Pan's Labyrinth, Mirrormask, What the bleep, Lilo and Stitch, Sin City, Brother Bear, Ferngully, Natural Born Killers, Dazed and Confused, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Nightmare Before Christmas, Aladdin, Monsters Inc., and so on and so on
Television is a horrible invention! It promotes laziness and lack of motivation. Get up off you ass and go do something! Read a fucking book!
The Life and Death of Planet Earth, The Four Agreements, Buddha in your Backpack, Buddha in your rear-view mirror, Madame Dread, Remedial Christianity: What every Christian should know but probably doesn't, Popol Vuh, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintainance, Tao of Pooh, Human Nature: A blueprint for managing the earth--by people for people by James Trefil; The Future of life by Dr. Edward O. Wilson; The Chronicles and Narnia; Sybil; BFG; Green Eggs and Ham...
My grandpa