The pursuit of pleasure. Freethinkers and the wisdom of those in pursuit of it.
The Greatest-Muhammad Ali
Clint Eastwood
Koko the Gorilla
Jim Carrey
Any of a long list of Avatars.
Ron Kovich
Marilyn Monroe-in the ether
Sam Kinison-in the ether
Jimi Hendrix-in the ether
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Prince 3121-Nobody Does it Better...Electronica and just about anything else that does't make my head hurt!! Jazz-Chris Botti. Simply amazing.
The People Vs. Larry Flynt 9 and half weeks Braveheart What the Bleep What Dreams May Come "10" Unfaithful Purple Rain A Beautiful Mind The Bourne Identity/The Bourne Supremacy The Fashionistas American Beauty The Mask The Good Shepard!! AMAZING!!!
The Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television-by Jerry Mander...that's what I think of TV. Programming without your consent. Somebody else idea of what you should or should not believe...Marshall McLuhan was right. The Medium is the Massage...
The Tao Te Ching-Lao Tsu/The Sacred Mushroom The Key to Eternity/OPERATION MIND CONTROL-Walter Bowart/Pikal-A Chemical Love Story-Alexander Shulgin/The Secret Doctrine-H.M. Blatvatsky/Tropic of Cancer-Henry Miller/Autobiography of a Yogi-Paramahansa Yogananda/The Bhagavageta As it Is/Psychic Sexuality-Ingo Swann/A Guide to Fearless Living-Russell Targ/The Conscious Universe-Dean Radin/The Field-The Quest for the Secret of the Universe-Lynn McTaggert/The UFO Perspective-Nahu/Leaves of Grass-Walt Whitman/Walden-Henry David Thoreau/Sex, Lies and the Naked Truth-Larry Flynt/The Singularity Is Near-Ray Kurzweil/The Four Arguments for the Elimation of Television-Jerry Mander/A Reason for Hope-Dr. Jane Goodal/The Secrets of Seduction-Brenda Venus/The Power of Intention-Dr. Wayne Dyer/Henry and June-Anais Ninn/and the list goes on....
Dr. Andrijia Puharich-The Sacred Mushroom
Marianne Shenefield-DSA researcher/remote viewer
Ralph Metzner-The Unfolding Self
Master Gong Zhong Xiang
Ms. Goodwin
Larry Flynt
The Abernathy Family
Jane Roberts
Fred Allan Wolf PhD
Uri Geller
Dr. Jane Goodall
Koko the Gorilla
The Pink Dolphins
St. Francis of Assis
Clint Eastwood
Pierce Brosnan
Jim Carrey
Marshall McLuhan
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