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There is no religion higher than truth Madame Blavatsky

About Me

About me...what a loaded question...“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”-Robert Frost...that pretty much sums up who I am. I grew up all over the world and spent my early years in Europe. During this time let's just saw I experienced what most would consider life long supernatural events which changed the coarse of my life and my path. At present my life has been the result of mostly interacting and being shown the secrets of how the illusion of life is put together. This includes on a government level, civilian level and Shamanic level. I have discovered--the only true worthy pursuit of anything in this life is that which to cultivate and practice love. Yeah...I know...sounds so Hallmark greeting card moment.cheesy..but true. I've had the pleasure of meeting some of the most innovative minds in the world. All unique and they all have been successful. And with every single one of them when posed this question "When God finally takes you this life and asks what you enjoyed most what would be your answer.." Not one said of anything material. It was the interchange of feelings and emotion between people they loved. Nobody said "God, I wish I had a bigger house, car, career, 401K, better lawyer..." And with that, I walk like the rest of us in the school of life. Thanks for taking a brief moment to visit, there are no mistakes in your arriving here or anywhere else. There are no mistakes ever. I wish you love, peace and happiness wherever you may be. Keep your eyes to the skies...and prepare for 2012 from within

My Interests

The pursuit of pleasure. Freethinkers and the wisdom of those in pursuit of it.

I'd like to meet:

The Greatest-Muhammad Ali Clint Eastwood Koko the Gorilla Jim Carrey Any of a long list of Avatars. THE CHIEF ARCHITECT Prince Ron Kovich Marilyn Monroe-in the ether Sam Kinison-in the ether Jimi Hendrix-in the ether LARRY FLYNT

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Prince 3121-Nobody Does it Better...Electronica and just about anything else that does't make my head hurt!! Jazz-Chris Botti. Simply amazing.


The People Vs. Larry Flynt 9 and half weeks Braveheart What the Bleep What Dreams May Come "10" Unfaithful Purple Rain A Beautiful Mind The Bourne Identity/The Bourne Supremacy The Fashionistas American Beauty The Mask The Good Shepard!! AMAZING!!!


The Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television-by Jerry Mander...that's what I think of TV. Programming without your consent. Somebody else idea of what you should or should not believe...Marshall McLuhan was right. The Medium is the Massage...


The Tao Te Ching-Lao Tsu/The Sacred Mushroom The Key to Eternity/OPERATION MIND CONTROL-Walter Bowart/Pikal-A Chemical Love Story-Alexander Shulgin/The Secret Doctrine-H.M. Blatvatsky/Tropic of Cancer-Henry Miller/Autobiography of a Yogi-Paramahansa Yogananda/The Bhagavageta As it Is/Psychic Sexuality-Ingo Swann/A Guide to Fearless Living-Russell Targ/The Conscious Universe-Dean Radin/The Field-The Quest for the Secret of the Universe-Lynn McTaggert/The UFO Perspective-Nahu/Leaves of Grass-Walt Whitman/Walden-Henry David Thoreau/Sex, Lies and the Naked Truth-Larry Flynt/The Singularity Is Near-Ray Kurzweil/The Four Arguments for the Elimation of Television-Jerry Mander/A Reason for Hope-Dr. Jane Goodal/The Secrets of Seduction-Brenda Venus/The Power of Intention-Dr. Wayne Dyer/Henry and June-Anais Ninn/and the list goes on....


Walter Bowart-author OPERATION MIND CONTROL Dr. Andrijia Puharich-The Sacred Mushroom Marianne Shenefield-DSA researcher/remote viewer Prince-3121 Ralph Metzner-The Unfolding Self Master Gong Zhong Xiang Agim Ms. Goodwin Larry Flynt The Abernathy Family Nahu Jane Roberts Fred Allan Wolf PhD Uri Geller Dr. Jane Goodall Koko the Gorilla The Pink Dolphins St. Francis of Assis Clint Eastwood Pierce Brosnan Jim Carrey Marshall McLuhan

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My Blog

GodSpeed My friend

One of my best friend died today. Walter Bowart-teacher, author and human rights activist.My dear friend....you saved my life. And I saved yours. You taught me more than anyone and I thank you for pro...
Posted by James on Sat, 22 Dec 2007 07:08:00 PST

Ayahuasca-Vine of the Soul

For those of you meant to read this...after years of indecision and anxiety I took the first step and created an alliance with Ayahuasca-The Sacred Vine of the Soul. For most if not all of you this is...
Posted by James on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 11:11:00 PST