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There are times where it doesn't pay to get out of a bed...I've been having more and more of these o

About Me

I'll get back to you on this, not feeling particularly witty or typeative today. So I guess I'm non-witty and not very typeative, (and yes I realize that "typeative" is not a word, but it should be therefore I'm coining the phrase effective immediately, it's def. is the same as talkative though only in electronic form) Eat it Webster's!!!

My Interests

My interests include playing and listening to music writing and watching movies (working on first screen play right now with my buddy Mattias), playing World of Warcraft (if you play Horde on Blackwinglair ring me up (I'm Shotgunjoe), and anything philisophical, political, or religious. Basically all the crap that your parents told you to NOT bring up in a conversation...well I enjoy bringing those topics up with fair regularity. I'm bound by no paltry rules of etiquette!

I'd like to meet:

I would Looooooove to meet Sean Hannity, Bill O' Reily, Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper, and all of the other "journalists" just so I could kick the crap out of each and every one of them. Oh and Ann Coulter. Satan has a special level of hell waiting for you...that's the only explination I have for your existence.


Honestly there is too much to list so I'll just list categories and if you find it THAT interesting well then ask me for more detail and I'll go more in-depth. Alright ready? OK, Rock in pretty much all it's forms (minus that Rawr rawr rawr death metal kill your mother cause your daddy didn't buy you that toy bear you wanted when you were three crap), Hip-hop (notice I said hip-hop) not "Bitch that bitch this shoot a **** up music that passes as hip-hop on pop radio waves, I much prefer intelligent hip-hop (Thanks for introducing me to it Nick), Classical, Celtic music (I loves me the Celtic music), Jazz, umm yeah even country though olde schoole country not this Big N Rich bullshit, or this what's his name Cowboy Cleetus, Curtis I don't know it's a black guy trying to rap (poorly) to a lameass band that is playing (poorly as well I might add) this new rock country crap in the background. Sounds like Soultrain and Hee-Haw bred and spit out some inbred abomination of music. OH and local music which is always good, speaking of which


Anything with Johnny Depp, he is an amazing actor in my opinion, The Jersey Trilogy, the Starwars Trilogy, I don't know ask me after I watch some movies. I don't watch them a whole lot, but I enjoy it when I do. Good enough? No? Well here let me dance for your amusement a little more, NEXT TOPIC!!


I hate television. It is what is rotting our culture from the inside supplanting any free will or autonomy we may have ever had, and I know this because The Daily Show w/ Jon Stewart told me so.


The last really good book that I read was Life of Pi by Yann Martel. Umm Also anything by Hunter Thompson I highly recommend as well as America: The Book by the Daily Show staff. I also like Umberto Eco's "In the Name of the Rose". Oops phone call be back later.


Hmm Heroes is a tough subject. Hmm I would have to say my grandparents, because of their quiet personal faith in God, something that I wish I had (faith in anything...I find that concept...amazingly hard to grasp). My parents (Birth and Adoptive) because of the courage that it must have taken to give me up, and then my adoptive parents for the values they instilled in me. And Peter Petrelli...dude's a badass

My Blog

Blow/Eat me, but be aware of the consequences

It's 9:37am, I'm up at work, and I've only gotten about 3.5 hours of sleep thanks to a change in my work schedule this week, so I'm trying something new.  I'm starting this blog and I'm going to ...
Posted by Clay on Sat, 12 May 2007 11:27:00 PST

When Baboons Attack...

Well kids, I'm back.  After a hiatus of mental apathy and general lethargy I've decided after waking up this morning with a knot in my stomach because my dreams seem to have a habit of kicking me...
Posted by Clay on Tue, 08 May 2007 05:39:00 PST

1:15am and I'm going out of my damn mind

Holy christ do I want to move to fucking Dallas.  5 more months mi amigos y amigas, five more months.  I don't know if I'm getting older, or if it's the fact that my best friend is down ther...
Posted by Clay on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 11:26:00 PST


Holy shit, it's been forever and a damn day since I've enlightened the masses.  Been busy job hunting and wasting other time in various unseemly ways, but I'm back.  Hillary -and- Obama (alo...
Posted by Clay on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 01:07:00 PST

2 weeks notice

Alright it is official, my last day at Texas Tech University Health Science Center will be Dec. 31st, fuck you very much Texas Tech.  Well no, I rescind that remark, it's more along the lines of ...
Posted by Clay on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 08:07:00 PST

Breakdown for 2008 (grab a beer or two and be prepared to sit for a while)

             Alright, so politicians are already starting to send out their feelers concerning a presidential bid in 2008, and as a result people ...
Posted by Clay on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 11:00:00 PST

Do you matter?

Alright, so as many of you may or may not know I've been a little down lately, and after discussing this with my wife, I'm pretty positive it all stems from the fact that so many of you guys are gradu...
Posted by Clay on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 09:27:00 PST

For the love of Christ people

Alright you know what I've had enough of?  No?  Well here's a list. 1) People who feel is abso-fucking-lutly necessary to post a bulletin about how strong their faith is.  Guess what pe...
Posted by Clay on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 12:30:00 PST

Ramblings of Apathy and self doubt

Alright, so yeah, it's been quite a while since I've written on here, but lately I've been feeling so apathetic towards pretty much everything it's been so damn hard to write that it is ridiculous.&nb...
Posted by Clay on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 10:31:00 PST

Some days it doesn't pay to get out of bed.

Alright so I've been up at work since about 9:20am, and already I've had a clogged probe (the things used to measure brain chemicals...pretty vital that it ISN"T clogged), Brain fluid samples gone mis...
Posted by Clay on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 09:14:00 PST