WALT DISNEY ( I LOOOOVE D-land and want to shake the man's hand)---ROSEANNE BARR(what do you expect I'm a kid of the 80's)---JOHN MAYER (before he got to be a such a chubster, I sooo woulda made out with him!) ---WILLIAM HUNG (he is soo sexy. Okay, maybe sexy isn't the word I'd use to describe him but he is pretty damn funny)---ADAM SANDLER (I actually met him a few year's ago when he was filming in Hawaii--he's a trip!!)---MAGNUM P.I. (No, not Tom Seleck, MAGNUM! Straight outa the show)---ADAM LAVINE ( I SOOO wish I was Jane!)---PARIS HILTON (she's just too classic, how could I resist)"JAKE RYAN" (but only on a dining table with a cake between us)---"LONG DUCK DONG" ("no more yanky my wanky...")---"DR.MC DREAMY" (I'm ready to fake sick just so I can be nakey with him)