SHE-SALTI wanna writeSomethin’ wit flava Somethin’ you can savor Put it in your heart and let it be a savior to your soul Be made whole By my words or THE WORD Here to let you know that GOD iz in control of my life So When I write I’m hopin’ that you see ME But also my G-O-D Who also goes by da name of J-C Fear HE, then fear ME CUZ I’M KIND OF A MIGHTY WOMAN Season me wit Salt Cuz that’s what I be Sprinkle me across the land and the sea Call me da Shunamite woman cuz I can fend for myself Plus I know my wealth so PLEASE Correctness when you step to me I’m… So sorry if you neglect to see How nice, how nice, I really B-E How nice, how nice, I really B-E Alwayz stayin’ fly Rep R-B-G until I die Oh Yes I say, True Liberation Feel the Sensation Factor SHE SALT into the equation Cuz S is for spectacular H cuz it is HE E everlasting love that He gave to me S- for Soul Power A-change has got to come L-lettin’ dis light shine T-Till THIS world is done SHE=ME S.A.L.T I am the salt of the earth Savor me. Savor me. Savor me.
I LOVE...G-O-D, Singing, dancing, writing poetry and songs...CREATING, and um...cereal(Captain Crunch or HISTORY...and reppin' dat R-B-G!!!!!! GOTTA LOVE THE RED-BLACK-N'GREEN! I am a singer/songwriter/Poet/writer. I Have some skills on the keys...just a tad. I am a lover of life. I believe I am a positive person with positive energy, however I WILL CUTT no..I will if im led to..HA! CAN NOT stand "favor-haters," fake folk, dishonest folk. I Love real folk. .I LOVE MUSICCCCCCCCCCCC. I am very anxious to see where God is taking me, wherever it is, I AM DOWN FOR THE RIDE!..