Synaesthesia Project profile picture

Synaesthesia Project


About Me

Synaesthesia Project tworzy w stu procentach niejaki Blazej "Varelse" Jaworowski. Projekt jest jak na razie amatorski i hobbystyczny (co, obawiam sie, slychac po utworach, w których objawiaja sie zarówno niedostatki wiedzy muzycznej i doswiadczenia, jak równiez ograniczenia wynikajace ze stosowanego oprogramowania).
SP zostal zainspirowany osoba Edgarda Varese (zbieznosc z pseudonimem przypadkowa, "varelse" pochodzi z cyklu o Enderze O.S. Carda), awangardowego kompozytora uznawanego za ojca muzyki elektronicznej, a konkretnie utworem Poeme Electronique, który zostal zapisany - zamiast w postaci nut - w postaci graficznego wykresu (który mozna zobaczyc na stronie L0NDUk1BL0NvdXJzZXMvMTU0L1ZhcmVzZSUyMGltYWdlcy5odG1s)
Glówna idea projektu jest tworzenie muzyki opartej wylacznie na dzwiekach produkowanych przez program do konwersji obraz-dzwiek (no, moze poza syntezatorem mowy, który tez sie tu i ówdzie pojawia). Jedyne sample z zewnatrz sa uzywane, aby konwerter mógl uzyskac z nich ksztalt fali (w starszych utworach, np. Landscape with a Lawnmower czy oba Dodekhaedrony obecne sa jedynie domyslne fale sinusoidalne). Oczywiscie, wiekszosc dzwieków (choc to zalezy od utworu) nie trafia z konwertera bezposrednio do programu - miksera, ale sa wielokrotnie przetwarzane.
Dzwieki SP oscyluja wiec pomiedzy estetyka graficzna a muzyczna, laczac abstrakcje, których jedyna cecha "muzyczna" jest dopasowanie do rytmu, z beatami wzorowanymi na wspólczesnym IDM czy minimalu.
Synaesthesia Project consists in 100% of Blazej "Varelse" Jaworowski. The project is, for the present, unprofessional and treated by Varelse just as a hobby (you can hear, unfortunately, his lacks of musical knowledge and experience, as well as imperfections of software used by him).
SP was inspired by Edgard Varese (the connection with nick is coincidential, "varelse" comes from the Ender saga by O.S. Card), the avant-garde composer who is said to be "the father of electronic music", or, more precisely, by his piece Poeme Electronique, that had its score written as a graphical chart (that can be seen on the site: L0NDUk1BL0NvdXJzZXMvMTU0L1ZhcmVzZSUyMGltYWdlcy5odG1s)
The main idea of the project is to make music based only on the sounds made by image-to-sound converter (except from those from speech synthesizer). The only external samples are used by the converter to extract waveforms (in the older pieces, like Landscape with the Lawnmower or both Dodekhaedrons, there are only default, sinusoidal waves). Of course, the majority of these sounds don't go directly from the converter to the mixing software, but are processed and changed.
The SP sounds oscillate between graphic and musical aesthetics, joining abstractions that have only one "musical" feature - are set to rhythm - with beats taking pattern from contemporary IDM and minimal.[LOVEMYFLASH]

My Interests


Member Since: 9/17/2007
Influences: Abstract & Experimental artists:
Edgard Varese, Autechre, John Cage, Oliver Messiaen, S.E.T.I.
IDM, minimal & dubstep artists:
Robert Logan, Amon Tobin, Clark, Aphex Twin, Plaid, Squarepusher, Venetian Snares, The Marcia Blaine School For Girls, Quantazelle, Slepcy, An On Bast, Four Tet, Vex'd, Burial, Boxcutter, Apparat, Ellen Allien & Apparat.
Ambient artists:
Human Error, Job Karma, Sense, Brian Eno, M83.
And, maybe, not directly:
The classics of electronic music:
J. M. Jarre, Kraftwerk, Mike Oldfield, Vangelis.
Nu-jazz & jazz artists:
Nils Petter Molvaer, Sidsel Endresen, Erik Truffaz, Eivind Aarset, Bugge Wesseltoft, Pink Freud, Jaga Jazzist, The Cinematic Orchestra, Skalpel, Robotobibok, Automatik, EST, The Bad Plus.
Trip-hop & chillout artists:
Massive Attack, Portishead, Pati Yang, FlyKKiller, Smolik, Loco Star, Dive Index, Telepopmusik, Emilie Simon, Thievery Corporation, Emiliana Torrini, Oszibarack.
Post-rock and shoegaze artists:
65daysofstatic, Radiohead, Tex La Homa, Old Time Radio.
Sounds Like: Abstraction
Theory of probability
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None