I have learned a lot about people in the last 34 years of being on this earth. I have seen those who care about there friends and I have seen those who take advantage of those they called there friends. I have seen it all some time or another. So as for me I am looking for those kind of people that love there friends and know the true meaning of friendship. I doesn't mean that you have to always know that friend in person. Some one who talks, listens, or is there for you when you need them is what I call a friend. So to get back to the point I would like to meet people that are down to earth and don't try to be some one else. some one I could share some of the experiences that life here in Bakersfield has to offer and to get to know how life is over there.(where ever that might be) I am not here to rack up a bunch of people on my friends list, I'm just here to meet people who enjoy <a sharing their experiences in life.