L a n c E profile picture

L a n c E

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

"I learned to take my own advice from day one"
" I live my life as fun as possible. I don't pass up anything that can be beneficial. I don't like complaining or anyone who does it. I think i'm very important, as should you about yourself. Being yourself will impress me thoroughly."-me

I live an extremely privileged life that i'm thankful for.
I see myself on an Elite level of society. The calm collected type. However you see me, is completely up to you.
I'm random, i'll say or do something just to see your reaction.
I don't really have an mental filter, whatever i'm thinking usually comes out.
I could respond to all messages and comments, but a lot of people just don't impress me.
All booking information can be obtained from my agency.
I'm Lance Lietzau, if you didn't know.
I'm always down for a good time, and a party with celebrities.
This is my real and only myspace account.
I've got a real knack for photography.
I have no greater goal then to be extremely successful in my life.
I'm nice to people I know.
For all the material things I own, and great people I know, Im not whatsoever pretentious.
I don't live to please you.
I socially smoke. Naughty Naughty.
I'm not "hard" I just don't take peoples shit.
I don't get intimidated by you and your "group"
I'm sometimes a little too bluntly honest with people.
I'm not cocky, im confident and thats why I run things.
I do and say what I want. That shouldn't concern you what so ever.
My friends are funnier then your friends.
For Us To Associate:
SPEAK if you know what your talking about...if not, don't bother.
If your 14 or 15...and your default is of you in spankies and you message comment me...i'm telling your parents.
If your name has anything to do with being at the disco...your ninja skill or that your a dinosaur control F4 please.
Don't ever ask for my number, if I wanted you to have it, I would give it to you idiot.
Don't have a 50 picture album of your and your b/f, g/f, you're fucking weird, and probably more obsessed with yourself then I am.
Please don't follow me around the mall/social event/party telling your friend "I know him from myspace" when I'm two feet away, you are now a grade A stalker to me.
Don't take life so seriously. Laughing wont kill you XXXTOTHECOREXXX emo kids.
Be literate. If you type lyke dis den donnt lyke tryy n talk me u no?
Dont ask stupid shit.
I'm not really sure what to reply to , oMg yOu aRe lyke SOO hotttt in messages...so dont send them. That's what Picture comments are for.
For the gay and Bi, I respect your orientation so please respect mine of being straight. Your perverted messages are not welcome, find something else to talk about.
Don't preach to me about god, spirits or hell. I'm not religious but I do respect all religions.
Actually have something to talk about. "Hey" "Whats up" and "Thanks for the add" are not acceptable.
Just because I wrote this doesn't mean i'm "cocky, stuck up, a little bitch, pampered, spoiled, a jackass" or any other durogatory term you can come up with. I don't like associating with stupid or annoying people. You all think it...i'm just someone to post it.
Current Status: Blowin the fuck up Internationally.

My Interests

The following pictures and people are the ones that keep me thoroughly in check, an make me piss my pants. i should actually try during school haha
yes sirr
naughty naughty
siii !
attacking me much?

my guys for life
i kill people who challenge my ninja skill
they put me in the back :-(
always on that good status
favorite wonton!
andrew cracks me the fuck up haha
good place for a nap...
me an sow
shes ridiculously good looking
the boys
i love these chicks
my sweet photo editing skill
this fool
the ballers again
the stretch navigator holla
i never stop laughing around her
fun date!!
a lot better then i thought at this haha
being squirley as fuck haha
yeah...kinda our beach
morning hangovers
this dudeee!!
its like a backstreet boys cd cover...but gayer haha
jager bombs that way!
those rocking chairs...
mmm orange juice please!
gotta love this kid
these make lance lietzau puke in gutters ;-)

the group
really good coolaid :-)
good water...
good root beer...
large group time!

drunk dinner
our responsible guardians lmao
my guys for life, no bullshit
i love her longest time
the zoo!!!
ya digggg
wine consurs haha
my dad knew where the jager bombs were
party time!
some mom took out her camera too...
its our kid!

I'd like to meet:

We had more fun laughing at people in the club...then actually being in the club haha

I'd like to meet me...if I wasn't me of course haha jjkkk. Someone more important than you.Ilike to meet new people...party people fun people or anyone who can have a decent conversation. The laguna beach cast...I know lame. I'd like to meet all of the following "famous people" not because they are celebrity's, but because I want to know who they are outside the media's twisted outlook: PARIS HILTON , Nicole Richie, lindsay lohan (to get wasted with), Hilary Duff( oh wait, already partied with her at spinn)Ryan Sheckler ,Tony Halk, Flava Flave,Taylor Made (to punch in the face)Chelsea Handler taylor swift, Tiffany Paterson, Starcose Nervonos (to steal his money)Sara Silverman haha, jessica simpson, jessica alba, ANGELINA JOLIE! pamela anderson, jenna jamison, the olson twins are what i can think of at the moment. Believe me, if they have the time to comment me...so do you. God Lance you're so awesome!

My Blog

Daily Rant 6/5/2008

I swear im bipolar...I cant decide who im happy with right now cause everyone is just annoyed the living shit out of me. People on this turn table of OK's need to get off.
Posted by L a n c E on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 12:37:00 PST

profile pictures

i put all the older ones in here cause they're to many to load on my profile page shes a boss cheaaa!AUH MY LIFE sometimes people fart on set..no big deal hahahphotoshoot buddies! tits much nicki haha...
Posted by L a n c E on Fri, 11 May 2007 06:48:00 PST

Frequently Asked Questions ( a must read haha) and the answers

Real Questions By Real Dumbass People. If you have a question please feel free to ask it in the comment section and it will be rudly answered as promptly as possible.1. How old are you really?182. Can...
Posted by L a n c E on Thu, 24 May 2007 07:59:00 PST

i know you want to be me...but lets hold it in.

coolest kids ill never get to meet 1. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewpro file&friendID=751150642.http://profile.myspace.com/index .cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&frien...
Posted by L a n c E on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 01:12:00 PST