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PERFORMANCES / GÖSTERİLER Dans Terapi Training&Consultancy offers for the first time in Turkey, unique Corporate Workshops incorporating African Dance&Drumming, that take out of comfort-zone, entertain, give once in a life time experience. Trainers are experienced in multinational firms in Manhattan and İstanbul. ''...the Team-Building Workshops create a sense of team spirit, can-do attitude and loyalty to the company. They also have the power to motivate employees and to foster an attitude of unity. These ice-breaking workshops consist of an African Dance Workshop and an African Drumming Workshop.'' TimeOut Istanbul in English, Ayşe Şahin, January 2009. Inci Turan is the founder of Dans Terapi and Turkey's pioneering 'African Dance&Music Ensemble': Tom Camidge(UK) djembe; Sean Jocelyn(USA) djembe; Umut Can Yigit(TR) doondoon; African Dance: Inci Turan(TR). www.afrikadansi.com, [email protected] Slideshow: KANKOURAN, Washington D.C., U.S.A. ..