(¯`·¸[g.0]•·.·´¯`·.·• profile picture


hey, atleast your mom thinks youre pretty...

About Me

WaT UP tHe nAme'S gUstAv0 aka [g.0] lol..iM a pReTTy c00l gUy t0 bE arOuNd wiT, fuNNy, i hAvE a gReaT seNse oF huMoR, aNd oVeR aLL, gReAt l00ks lol haha, iM 16 aNd mAn i lOve tO pARtY! peOPle tHat kNow mE kNow tHat iM hElla cRazY aNd loVe doIn hElla sTupiD rAnDom cRap lol i gUess moSt oF thE tIme i cAn bE thE nIce/CHRISTIAN/sEnsItive/roManTic/eMotioNal tYpe oF guY buT i aLso hAve mY cOckY/sExy/eXibitioNist lol/meSSed uP/flIrTy/iMpuLsiVe/riSk tAKin/meXican otHer sIde tHat peoPle onLy gEt to sEE wHen i fEEl iM rEadY to sHow wHo I rEaLLy aM. i conSIdeR mysElf a pReTTy biG pIMp. i tAke heLLa gOOd caRe of mA bOdy and im a hEaLth fREEk suMtimes.
buT yeah, enough about me. sO theRes thiS giRL ritE.. sHe heLLa jaCKed ma hEARt. noW aLL i eVer reALLy thiNk abOut is heR. caNt pay aTTention in cLass no moRE. sHes aLLways there. i dReaM oF bEIng wIth hEr aND whEN iM wiTH heR, i fEEl so aLive. sHe aLso happENs to be mA vEry fiRst cRush in kInder. i loVE her lIke a mexIcan lovEs tHEir beans. sHE meAns eVeryThin t0 mE. sHEs my loVe.
Name: guSTAv0 poNCe dE le0N
Birthday: mAy 13
Birthplace: sAn j0
Current Location: cROW tOwn
Eye Color: dArk sEXy bRoWn
Hair Color: bLaCk
Height: 5'11
Right Handed or Left Handed: riGHt
Your Heritage: sEXy mExiCan!!
The Shoes You Wore Today: dC's
Your Weakness: love..
Your Fears: geTTIn bITTeN bY tHe cHUpaCaBra
Your Favorite color: rEd
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: beNch 230 pounds...not that i dont do that already..haha
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: l0l
Thoughts First Waking Up: sniff....wHat sMells??
Your Best Physical Feature: mY badonkadonk lol..my mAnly bReaSt
Your Bedtime: aNyTImE beFore 1 am
Your Most Missed Memory: my cHildh00d
Pepsi or Coke: cOcA cOLa aLL the wAy BaBY!!
MacDonalds or Burger King: Micky Ds has sum hecka tiny burgers and bK is juSt pLaiN gRoss..miCKy d's
Single or Group Dates: b0th
Do you like thunderstorms?: i love thunderstorms
Chocolate or Vanilla: cHocoLaTe
Cappuccino or Coffee: cAPPucCiNo
Do you Smoke: heck no!!..i try not to...its hard to quit! jk
Do you Swear: n0
Do you Sing: yEah iN tHe sHoWer...neked lol
Do you Shower Daily: iS thIs a sEriOus qUesTi0n?............n0
Have you Been in Love: yEa..
Do you want to go to College: hECK yEA!
Do you want to get Married: ..yeah someday..with the love of my life
Do you belive in yourself: yEs i bElieVe i aM seXY
Do you get Motion Sickness: sOmEtiMes..
Do you think you are Attractive: iM vERy vERy sEXY
Are you a Health Freak: nO
Do you get along with your Parents: yEa i lOve ma pApi cHulo and ma moMMie
Do you belive in God?: wHat kiNd of qUesTion is tHaT?? HECK YEAH!! i frEaKiN lOve gOD moRE thaN aNyTHin!
Do you play an Instrument: i plAY piaNo and sum guitar
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: mayBe..jk
In the past month have you Smoked: yEs aLL tHE tImE lol
In the past month have you been on Drugs: hell no......sometimes
In the past month have you gone on a Date: haha nO
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: yEs
Do you think you are popular?: hEcK yEAh!! eVeRyOne kNows thE leGenDarY [g.0]
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: yUCk heLL no..
In the past month have you been on Stage: yEs
Favorite Ethnic Food: uM..i dunno..i thiNk iTs bEtwEEn mExiCan aNd iTaliAn..
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: ....maYbE
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: nO..bUt suMonE sTole mA heArt
Ever been Drunk: noPe
Ever been called a Tease: yEs aNd thEy lEaRNed n0t t0 d0 iT agAIn
Ever been Beaten up: 1ce wEn i wAs 5 bY a kILleR cHiCkeN
Ever Shoplifted: nO
How do you want to Die: i waNt to dIe saVing soMeonEs liFe...
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: mmMm i dOnt kN0w...i dOnt reaLLy waNt to gRow up...
What country would you most like to Visit: jApaN
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: lIgHt bRoWn/haZEl/cheznut, GREEN
Favourite Hair Color: bROwN or bLonDe
Short or Long Hair: lONg hAIr
Height: 5'2-5'8
Weight: wHat?? i doNt knOW!!..not too much, not too little??
Best Clothing Style: t0 mE aNyThiN sHe weArs l00kS cuTe
Make up?: i think girls look pretty just the way they are without makeup, but you kno..theres always the exception..lol
Number of CDs I own: 147
Number of Piercings: 89
Number of Tattoos: 97
Number of things in my Past I Regret: w0w s0 maNy...
been kissed.. .....yEs
lied to a friend.. .....hehe yEs...
dyed ur hair n0
dressed punk tried to..
kissed a girl yEah
saw something u didnt want to YES
danced in the rain naKeD
lied to ur parents yEs
went barefoot in the snow no..i went bare naked
played hockey ya
made ur own clothes ....yEs..you see,wE wEre VERy p00r..
got in a fite bodyshots..
took a shower heLL n0
gave a dirty look to someone yEs
cried=( ...........maYby
did a cartwheel i did 5
went to school hAhA n0
shopped yEs
danced neked
got sick n0
did something u regret yEs
discovered something new iM a gUy jk
run to class because ur always late yEs
act perfect tRy n0t t0.....
act hyper
are a nerd heLL n0
in band?? n0
naked YES
drinkin soda
listening to music yEs
watching a movie no
iming someone yes
talkin on the fone yEs
eating yEs
hot topic or abercrombie and fitch h0t toPic
thongs or briefs th0nGs
boxers anyone?!?! c0maNd0
sweatpants or jeans jEaNs
longsleeved shirts or short sleeve sHorT
tube tops or tanks taNKs
current clothes naDa
current mood iN l0ve
current music UNDEROATH and EMERY
current taste ...moUNtAiN dEw
current make-up c0vEr gIrL
current thing I ought to be doing not being on myspace
you hugged mY m0mmY
yelled at mY dog
IMed. tHis oNe iDioT
you touched ....myself.....jk
[ EiTHER/0R .. ]
coffee or hot chocolate h0t cHoc0laTe
big or little BIG VERY BIG
lace or satin .....lace??
new or old nEw
vogue or cosmopolitan comopolitan fo sho
skirt or dress skIrt
wool or cotton coTToN
[DO YOU..]
put on a "front" yEs
have a crush on someone YES
if u got a tatoo where wud u get it ........iN a vErY nAuGHty pLacE...l0l
waht is the .. symbol u use the most l0l
u have a boyfriend or girlfiend n0, im single *wink*(hint hint)
who's hotter, Josh Hartnett or Chad Michael Murray definetly chad jk iM h0TTer
what was the last thing you said
who would u want to be stuck in an elevator with tHe l0vE oF mY liFe
do you like stickers n0
do u play with mad libs wen ur bored n0
are you suicidal wEn I gEt mAd aND tHey tOuCh my f00d
is your window open oH cRap iT Is....
what was the last pair of shoes you bought vANz
do you have a little brother n0 i g0t a lil sis
does he draw you cute pictures yEs hE d0es
where do your grandparents live bEaNerLaND
what do you think of when you hear the word click lA miGra
are you a moron n0..........maybe
do you like trampolines yEah
have u ever accidentally sucked something up in the vacuum ............yes
did you see American Pie 2 n0
do you cut yourself hELL n0
haha i love doin dumb stuff anywhere, anytime. its just ma thing. i love randomness, like in the middle of class just say sumthin or do sumthing like out of nowhere and just act like if it was a normal thing to do.

My Interests

i love to skate, play piano, guitar, blast out music as loud as i can without caring if im blasting someones ears off lol i love to hangout, meet new people and do crazy stupid stuff with my friends..lol

I'd like to meet:




JESUS RULES!!!!MA ONE AND ONLY HERO!!...second is my mommie and daddie....hehe sorry mom...

My Blog

if you have time for God read this..

      One day Satan and Jesus were having a conversation.Satan had just departed from the Garden of Eden, and he was gloating and boasting."Yes, sir, I just caught a World full of peopl...
Posted by (¯`·¸[g.0]"·.·´¯`·.·" on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 10:41:00 PST

I am

omg im like so freakin sexy its not even funny...damn just look at those thighs..whoa..and that hair and that sexy bod..im a freakin sexy beast.... ...
Posted by (¯`·¸[g.0]"·.·´¯`·.·" on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST