taking risks.,LoViNG MYy aliEn ♥,
eating,sleeping,being n the streetz acting a fool at times,wItH"brenda",meet new people ,being with my family,making people laugh,dennys at 2am,art,dancing in my underwear,text,fightin with celi,talking to my tia pita on the phone. shes my nite owl.sessions with my lil brother randy,sleeping and more sleeping.
The alien that sleeps in my womb, because in the long run this is the only thing that truly belongs to me and no one can take it away.And anyone who's down to chill and won't bring negativity into my life I already have enough of that don't need anymore
Who are you to judge the way i live?I KNOW I'm not perfect,And i don't live to but before you start pointing fingers MAKE SURE your hands are clean.
Bob Marley.
aNyThInG tHaTs GoOd To My EaRs
? pita
? my mommy
? ralphie
? randy
? alexis
?ThE oNes WhO mAtTeR