Renee profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Current Moon Phase provided by the US Naval Observatory
1) You lock the target
2) You bait the line
3) You slowly spread the net, and
4) You catch the man!

The Succubus Club - The best of Gothic/Industrial internet radio

Create a MySpace Playlist at

A Sampling of the show rotation featuring DJ Arkane

Life has a way of changing drastically, at the drop of a hat, for no reason at all. When you think you have finally "made it", life just seems to throw that wrench right into your system, ever reminding you that nothing stays the same, forcing you into a situation where you have to adapt. Your very survival may depend on the actions that you take, without planning, just running on intuition and learning to utilize resources that you never knew were there.
Underlying it all is the driving force of primal instinct, that magnetical electrical feeling of being pulled toward your desire without knowing what the outcome will be. Its that burning sensation that overloads the senses and defies logic. Its that persistant aching for the freedom to be able to express those desires without fear or being judged, without remorse, without regret for the chance at that expression and to be able to share that expression with an equally experimental and like-minded soul is the greatest reward of life

I'm blunt, outspoken, and to the point in my manner of speaking. I call the shots as I see them and tell it like it is. Most people don't know how to take my daring frankness, poetic metaphors,and blatant innuendos s speckled with double entendres and oxymorons. I don't play that way. I've perfected sarcasm to an art form. Sometimes I say things simply for shock value because I know the recipient of the conversation won't take me seriously, or take me up on what I said, but I never make offers I don't intend to follow through with. I love to watch your jaw hit the floor as I leave you speechless. I give my word VERY sparingly, but when I do, I stick to it like a tightly welded seal on the hull of a battleship. I follow the old codes of honor, which seems to be something that most of today's society has either lost or forgotten.
I've been accused of being "infamous", "notorious", and several other terms that basically mean the same thing. I'll take those titles, after all, I earned them. I'm an adrenaline junkie. I like dangerous fun. So life for me is all about the next endorphine rush.
I'm not the one you can "pull one over on". I KNOW what "bullshit" sounds like and can smell it coming from a mile away. I'm an extremely good judge of character and will probably know "your story" before you ever open your mouth. Call me pessimistic, even paranoid, nah, I'm just very cautious in my choices, with good reason to be.
I am not a follower of any organized faith, church, or religion. I have my own theories of the truth, and if you want to know about them, you can ask me sometime, I'm always up for a good debate. This means I do not follow Christianity, Judaism, Wicca, Islam, Buddhist, Mormon, or any other organized religion, so don't email me your hate mongering lies about "trying to save my soul" I have my own theories about bullshit as well, see the above paragraph. I WILL NOT, however condemn you for your faith, so long as you don't "cast the first stone" and condemn me for mine. Should you decide to throw that first stone, be forewarned , that I'll not only catch that stone, but throw it back at you and knock you on your ass with it. I also don't believe in turning the other cheek so you can get a free shot at the other one before I stop you in your tracks. I AM a self-styled Pagan and practice the rites and rituals of magick in any form I see fit at the time. Deal with it.
People who know me intimately think I'm from another planet, yet it is those very same people who've seen first hand the worlds I've taken them to.
Ok, I admit, I'm an attention whore (when I'm not too busy hiding in the shadows). You can love me or you can hate me, quite frankly I don't care which, but you WON'T ignore me. I can walk into a place, any place, and when I want to, I make sure everyone knows I'm there. But, then again, I can also be the chameleon that blends into that background and never gets noticed. Situational circumstances of my own choosing, and I control them both. I've never been one to care what anyone thinks about me. My opinions are entirely my own and you're not required to agree with anything I say or do in life. I only have to answer to one person on this planet, myself. Not many people can honestly say and truly MEAN "I like myself and who I am", but I can.
I'm polite in certain company when said company deserves my politeness. Politically correct, on the other hand, is something I will never claim to be. I think our mentally challenged, overly sensitive, FFC controlled media, should stop being f**king retarded just because they can't handle a few "buzz" words from the English language, proper, or vernacular. As we say it in my beloved home town of New Orleans in the Cajun vernacular, as we raise our middle fingers high, " t'HELL wich y'all!"
I treat people how I like to be treated. I like to be treated with kindness, understanding, and acceptance for who I am. I don't ask for much and I think thats fair. If you treat me like a dog, however, I will become the biggest bitch you've ever known.
I never fight fair. Fair fights always end in a draw, and I play to win.
I believe in the word respect. Too many people these days take the word for granted, like its their "god-given right". Well its not. Respect is something that is earned. I don't care how old you are or what position you hold in life, if you want respect from me, you better earn it. You won't get it any other way. Now I DO respect everyone's right to privacy, as I expect the same. Those who think they can violate that by intruding upon my privacy, will quickly find themselves staring down the tip or barrel of any one of my myriad of weapons of which I have no qualms about using and do have the ability to do so.
People I take an interest in, believe me, know I'm interested. I can sometimes be about as subtle as a bull in a china shop. Even still, it never ceases to amaze me that with all the obvious signs I post, some men are just as dull as butter knives, and never pick up on them. Then again, some people I know in real life might say the same thing about me. And sometimes, its not that I am not picking up the signs, but am so conditioned to blocking them out. That, or I've simply chosen to ignore them. But, then again, on certain occasions, I exercise a "certain" amount of discretion, if for no other reason, to figure out where the other person is coming from, and to make absolutely sure we're both on the same page before I invest all that energy in a waste of time. I know what I want, and usually get it.
I have friends of all ages. However in meeting new people, I gravitate towards those in their early 20's to mid 30's. I don't know why, I just do. I have more male friends then female ones. I seem to get along better with men because I understand their views, have a tendency to think like they do, and am perfectly comfortable getting all dressed up to "hang out with the boys". Like I said before, I love attention, and what better place to get it then being the only female in a group of good looking men. Speaking of which, the men i become involved with in any way, are visually beautiful men ranging from slightly younger to 12 years younger then me as I prefer younger men. Almost all have dark hair, dark eyes, and are excellent conversationalists who are completely uninhibited. Bold, daring, and adventurous. If given the choice between two men, one of whom is an average looking, clean cut, CEO for a major software company, making six figures a years, drives a Jaguar, Ferrari, or a Lamborghini, is a politically influential church-goer, and wants to take me to some hoopty-doo function to hob-nob with all the big-wigs - OR - the other guy, who works at the 7-11 for minimum wage, who under that striped uniform is really hot looking with the long hair, who remembers my name and what I like in my coffee, smiles at me every time I come in to buy a pack of cigarettes, drives a blue Toyota, plays in a band not to get famous, but because he loves what he does, and wants to take me to a Front 242 concert,,,,,,,guess who I'm going to go with? Yep you got it,, Mr. 7-11. Why? Because not only does Mr. 7-11 still know whats its like to have fun,, he knows what its like to still be alive.
If you think money impresses me, don't worry, it doesn't. I've had my share of it, and have also been of the other end of that line as well. Its going to take alot more then a few dead inventors in your wallet to impress me. (that usually means I've got your first drink covered before you can even get to your wallet, lol) Neither does the amount of toys you stuff in your closet, park in your garage, decorate your walls with, or plug into the sockets. I believe money alone can't buy you happiness, but know for a fact that poverty will buy a lot of misery.
I am in a constant state of evolution and re-invention. I am what I am, for now. If you don't like that, well check back tomorrow, that can change. Life is about experiences, and I intend to experience everything and everyone I can that catches my interest. What does impress me, you might ask? Someone who can teach me something new, show me something I haven't seen or done before.
I've had everything, lost everything, rebuilt, and did it all over again. I've had more then my share of close calls in life, but I'm still here. So I live for the moment, and without regret. I live each day as if it were my last, cause you never know, it just might be.

What makes me unique? I can see the things most people are too afraid to look at and can feel the things most people won't dare to get close to by digging deep into the abyss of my soul and muster the courage to move forward, in spite of the odds.
In Task Force Uniform
Looking For Trouble, Ready For Action!

.. .. .. .. .. ..
   Check This Out
Featuring DJ Joe Virus
Everyone should see the video On Christian Death's Myspace page. Check it out below
Please help Sigh Co. Graphics to help New Orleans


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

The beautiful, the attractive, the sensual, the expressive and experimental. Goth and Industrial scenes are a good place to start looking.
I believe communication is a very important key in making things work between two people. Without it, you have nothing. I believe that you have to be able to talk to someone about anything - even the embarrassing things.



If you are one of those losers that has NOTHING better to do then waste my time sending hate mail to my myspace mail, OR any other mail acct. don't bother, not only will you be blocked but I will now start posting YOUR PROFILE LINK on a page to come called "Losers Hall of Shame" so that the whole world can see what losers you really are. Should I get harrassed in any fashion, your IP address will be turned into your ISP, as well as the FCC.

Email me at [email protected]

On Yahoo messenger I'm "gneaux_merci" or on AIM I'm "gneauxmerci". Copy/paste your profile link from "Myspace" if you so message me. Feel free to add me to your list. If I like your pictures and how you've edited your profile. I'll add you. You don't have to get all fancy, but blank profiles don't impress anyone, so lets see a little effort. :-D


If you are my friend, leave a comment here!

My Blog

Spell Charts

CANDLES Pink: love and affection Green: prosperity and fertility Red: passion and vitality Blue: healing and peace Yellow: mental powers, intellectualism Purple: to boost your own magickal powers Whit...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 13:32:00 GMT

Tables of Coorespondences

Color         & nbsp; Magickal Uses         &n bsp;         &n bsp;&...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 13:26:00 GMT

Directional Coorespondence

East                                    &n...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 13:26:00 GMT

Daily Coorespondences for Magickal Workings

-Sunday-Power magick, health, vitality, money, career -Monday-Intuition, dreams, psychic ability, fertility -Tuesday-Money, enemies, courage, energy -Wednesday-Divination, communications, knowledge, ...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 13:24:00 GMT

Astrology Information

Astrological Information Aries: Fire sign. Cardinal sign, active, marking the beginning of a new season, spring. Personal attributes: Pioneer, leader, ccompetitor. Taurus: Earth sign. Fixed sign, ...
Posted by on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 06:04:00 GMT

The Wiccan Rede of Chivalry

  The Wiccan Rede of Chivalry   Insofar as the Craft of the Wise is the most ancient and most honorable creed of humankind, it behooves all who are Witches to act in ways that give resp...
Posted by on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 05:55:00 GMT

The Chart of Planetary Hours

The Chart of Planetary Hours ..> Hours of the Day ..>..> Hour Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Sun Moon ...
Posted by on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 02:53:00 GMT


THE MEANINGS OF THE PLANETARY HOURS Each symbol represents the ruler for each hour and the energy of that hour affects everyone. SUN's hour is good for signing a deal. VENUS's hours are good for ...
Posted by on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 02:53:00 GMT


As there are dragons of the Planets, so are there dragons of each sign. Some magickal systems look upon these dragons devic1 in nature and therefore not as powerful as element I have not found this t...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 00:28:00 GMT

Dragons of The Elements

Air Dragons          ;           ;           ;  &nb...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 00:25:00 GMT