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About Me

.About me

Hi. I'm Justin Nabors. If you don't like me, good; Fuck You. I'm single. I am not your average kid. I will make you laugh. I like light shows and techno. You will never meet anyone like me, I'll bet you a dollar. I don't complain. Karma is a bitch. I do drugs. I do drink, and i love it. I am very open. I have a high self-esteem and I live my own life. I make my own mistakes and I don't learn from them. I am not part of a fashion trend. My nick name is LostBoy or tweedle. Whatever you prefer. I can solve all your problems. I can change your life. I can become your bestfriend.

I am currentley getting my life back togehter.

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img src="http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a184/acneclear/fyes.j pg"

My Interests

We'll float around
And hang out on clouds
Then well come down
And I have a hangover

Wayne trance

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