Not such a hot sexy mama right now tho!!All this having baby business means my personal hygiene isn't what it used to be. I barely have time to shower these days and never get to lounge in a bath anymore with a face pack on, the joy of painting my nails is a distant memory.... still my little angel is worth every dodgy hairdo I have gone to tesco's with, and even the time I walked round shopping with a rather large amount of baby dribble on my shoulder!! Seriously having kids is seriously underrated I wish I had one years ago. So hmmm what else am I about... I love music (but not any old music, Im quite particular about what I like, love and hate) and am horribly opinionated about music as anyone who knows me will tell you... my fights about music even led to me throwing my chips at my boyfriend outside the central bank in Dublin (not a quiet spot) hahaha thankfully he forgave me cos I love him endlessly, he is definitely the most amazing and loving man in the whole world and I thank my lucky stars daily for bringing him to me :) So... yes im in a relationship, romeo's need not apply Im on myspace to keep up with some of the friends and loved ones I have left behind on my travels through life but hey.. Im always up for meeting new people as long as you are interesting and not just interested in shameless self promotion.