Fisty! at the Victor profile picture

Fisty! at the Victor

I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

! This exclamation point is a symbol. You might find it at the end of my name. It means more than saying my name loudly. It symbolizes everything I have to offer.
I realized I don't have a whole sentence talking "about me", unless you count the "fill in the blank"-type sections I have below this. Let's see, I build walls because I want someone to break them down. (Developing. . .)
"Oh, as if you had no choice? There's a moment, there's always a moment, 'I can do this, I can give into this, or I can resist it', and I don't know when your moment was, but I bet you there was one."
Unfortunately, 97% of myspacers will be annoyed by this. When Jesus died on the cross He was probably hoping you'd spread his word by connecting with people instead of trying to make them feel ashamed for not giving a rat's ass about him If you are one of the 3% who is likely to repost things like these please delete me...I don't believe in your god, but I still don't think this is the way to go about spreading the word.
I put on the same clothes I wore yesterday. When did society decide that we had to change and wash a t-shirt after every individual use? If it's not dirty, I'm gonna wear it.
Everything is illuminated in the light of the past. It is always along the side of us.
Portfolio .
Embedded here mostly so I can access it whenever I need a good laugh.
I am:
looking for someone.
more impatient than I am lazy.
bad at responding to comments.
easily impressible.
too fat for nice clothes to look good on me.
awesome and not awesome.
very single.
notorious for falling asleep during movies.
a big procrastinator.
a great video editor.
a dreamer.
an Aquarian.
too outgoing.
probably friends with at least one of your friends. Go ahead and check. I'm not kidding.
an acquired taste.
a Chatty Cathy.
THE DUDE WHO KNOWS FUCKING EVERYONE: Everywhere you go, this guy knows somebody he has to high five and chat with for a little bit. He probably grew up in the area, has an outgoing personality, and is involved in a wide variety of activities that breach many social circles. Generally liked, although he may be too outgoing for some people. Generally doesn't have a lot of close friends, but makes up for it in sheer volume. This is the guy to talk to if you're interested in a new hobby, want to join a club, or just want to meet new people. May do incredibly outrageous things to get even more attention.
an unprofessional comedian.
LeaderShape .
the kind of person where you have to tell me that I'm doing wrong, otherwise I'm clueless.
a proud Ravenclaw.
always exacerbating.
fun for all ages.
selfish with good reason; just ask.
Victor! with an exclamation point for good reason; just ask.
quite the attention whore.
social lubricant.
losing faith.
tired of this shit.
full of too much information.
going to miss you.
a terrible son.
a great boyfriend, except nobody's had the chance to find that out.
not good enough.
trying to do better.
I am the guy that:
applaudes during a movie.
will purposely leave things not capitalized that should be when I'm feeling blue or any of its variants.
can't dance, but pretends to anyway.
can talk about anything.
you can trust with anything.
will find a way to make you smile.
I like:
(@_@)! (0.0)! (^vv^)! (8 = E)!
[Zombies! Aliens! Vampires! Dinosaurs!]
a glass of ice-cold milk.
being organized.
the color green.
saving money.
stripped left-over turkey on toasted bread with mayonnaise and tomato sprinkled with salt.
giving hugs.
big dogs.
Fruity Pebbles.
proving people wrong.
dry wit.
wearing shorts.
smelling good.
my facial hair.
people who know William Elizabeth Ronald Two-Delta the Handicap-Door Lady.
meeting people.
making people laugh.
my last name.
fellow Aquarians.
Macadamia nut cookies.
white chocolate.
exceeding people's expectations of me.
home-made gifts.
word games.
knowing why.
big butts and I cannot lie.
singers that sing their hearts out.
oranges and pears.
to move it, move it.
you a lot.
4est .
remembering what I forgot to say.
work .
jigsaw puzzles.
Explosm comics .
taking pictures.
seeing myself in others' top friends.
winning by one point.
Ancient Egyptian civilization.
spelling colour with a "u".
hardstyle techno.
using exclamation points.
being cheesy.
sleeping fourteen hours straight.
out-of-the-blue comments or messages.
when people take the time to teach me something I don't understand.
when people take the time to understand me.
sleeping in jeans sometimes.
using 'single quotation marks' instead of "double quotation marks".
killing zombies.
balancing on the curb.
popping my fingers.
making you laugh.
my MySpace because it is very representative of me.
listening to "Call On Me" by Eric Prydz full blast.
Freshman Camp at UTPA!
pretending I know how to dance.
making you smile.
seeing my friends succeed.
too much information.
being your friend.
the boys of Steel Train so much.
R2R road trips.
I dislike:
people trying to persuade me to be dishonest.
people judging me too quickly.
breaking a lot of rules.
getting a runny nose.
my boobage.
raw okra.
telling people that my birthday is coming up.
the sound of car crashes.
tall buildings.
being in a fast car.
my Cro-Magnon brow.
the movie "Cabin Fever".
high top shoes.
drinking alcoholic beverages.
when people argue and yell at each other.
Chihuahua barks.
making people feel ashamed of themselves or their actions.
being tired.
being sleepy.
letting people down.
being inarticulate.
18&up private profiles.
conversations through comments.
being told or implied that what I think, feel, or do is stupid or wrong.
people making my mountains into molehills.
people drinking to have fun.
the large gaps between the stall door and the stall wall in public restrooms.
sleeping on air mattresses.
poorly organized PowerPoint presentations.
walking with crutches.
getting hit in the face with a basketball.
people that don't answer or return any calls.
being ignored.
getting usual calls when I'm expecting an unusual call.
when you don't get it.
Kevin Flynn sometimes.
when you don't answer your phone.
staying at my house.
people eating my food.
being rushed.
I want to:
watch Steel Train perform live.
meet most of my Internet friends.
look good in nice clothes.
fit in a Hellogoodbye t-shirt of my choice.
graduate from UT.
eat healthy.
visit Egypt.
play music.
hold hands.
get out.
be the best dad ever.
do stand-up.
go to a soc hop.
win a prestigious award for film editing.
be happy.
learn to dance '50s, '60s, and '70s.
be a certified paramedic.
be friends with you.
work with people.
be remembered.
learn American Sign Language.
be thinner.
save you.
be more comfortable in my own skin.
be able to say, "I love you".
throw myself a birthday show with a killer headliner.
be UTPA Homecoming King 2008.
I'm sorry:
I'm not in a band
I don't do drugs
I don't drink
I don't play an instrument
I'm not thin
I can't dance
I don't believe in your god
I see the light anyway
I have bad manners
I was raised well anyway
I can't express myself properly
I don't care for the classics
I'm not proud
I'm not ideal
for celebrating my successes
my profile has more text than pictures
that I actually want you to get to know me
I'm not into "guy things"
I cry during movies
I'm not attractive
I know everybody
I don't have the courage to "make the first move"
I don't live near you
I don't know how to drive
I lack courage
I can't call you my best friend
that I don't really care for The Beatles
I want something better for myself
I take my time
but that's the way I am.
Critics are raving:
I asked my friends to answer the question, "Hey! Who's that Victor guy you hang out with and is on your MySpace?" and here is what they said:
"well, Victor is a Hispanice. Dark skinned, kinda fluffy midium length curly hair, kinda big... and yeah. He's a nice guy tho. I like him, he gimme hugs :P and he's pretty cheerful all the time, and kinda weird and crazy sometimes, but then again, I'm crazy too..normal ppl scares me....yeah, pretty good friend." - Chujiao M.
"who's victor" - Sammo Y.
"everyone knows you. no need to tell anyone anything." - Billy S.
"i usually start off by saying,'oh victor...he's a sad s.o.b. from my high school.'
not really. i don't know, i'll e-mail you this response."
- Rachel H.
"i'd say you were awesome, different-in-a-good-way, and super funny." - Will M.
"Oh, Victor is that tall dark guy I hang out with a lot. He talks about movies, wears sponge bob, mario, and witty t-shirts. He has poofy hair, big sideburns, and wears glasses. He laughs a lot and talks about hellogoodbye a lot. Awesome kiddo." - Jennytron
"HE'S A FUCKING PRICK." - Jennytron joking around (I think hope)
"victor is awesome he is so funny. He is really fun to hang out with." - Erik H.
"Oh thats my friend Victor.. possibly the funniest guy you can be with... he just cracks you up.. Really great friend." - Alfonso B.
"What can be said. He's an amazing person, and I wish I could take him with me everywhere." - James S.
"victor is that one person you just can't hate. its like you look at him , and even on a bad day, you want to hug him really tight." - Lucila G.
"ohh victor is that super-duper awesome friend i have for political science :] with mr. hays [the forrest look alike] and yeah we can talk like about random stuff forever and he alwas makes me laugh super hard. and he's very unique [which is awesome] hellogoodbye rules! the end." - Victoria V.
"Victor is incredible. He fits easily in to most overhead compartments, is potty trained, and is re-sealable. He's like a Swiss Army knife." - Jon L.
"id say .. 'he's the one that broke the chair in my political science class' :-p JUST KIDDINGi'd say, 'he's real cool. he's one of the first people i met around here and actually everyone knows him. he's the guy that screams at you when you wear a Hello Goodbye shirt ;-)'or in Delta Zeta's case .. 'he's the guy that made the shattered dreams video' lol :-p - Jessica R.
I am a helper:
"I must help others
(These are quiz results that I think very accurately portrayed certain aspects of me.)
Helpers are warm, concerned, nurturing, and sensitive to other people's needs.
How to Get Along with Me
+ Tell me that you appreciate me. Be specific.
+ Share fun times with me.
+ Take an interest in my problems, though I will probably try to focus on yours.
+ Let me know that I am important and special to you.
+ Be gentle if you decide to criticize me.
What I Like About Being Me
+ Being able to relate easily to people and to make friends.
+ Knowing what people need and being able to make their lives better.
+ Being generous, caring, and warm.
+ Being sensitive to and perceptive about others' feelings.
+ Being enthusiastic and fun-loving, and having a good sense of humor.
What's Hard About Being Me
+ Not being able to say no.
+ Having low self-esteem.
+ Not doing things I really like to do for myself for fear of being selfish.
+ Criticizing myself for not feeling as loving as I think I should.
+ Being upset that others don't tune in to me as much as I tune in to them.
+ Working so hard to be tactful and considerate that I suppress my real feelings.
The "Mexican Elvis":
It started in my sophomore year (3 years ago) of high school. I was tired of shaving a lot because of my facial hair growing fast so I decided to do something with it.
I decided on sideburns. Since I didn't know how, and the only ones I was familiar with were the ones that John Travolta has in Grease, I went with that style. Add that to me already combing my hair to the back and people started pointing out that I looked like a "Mexican Elvis".
I don't mean people that knew each other. I mean people that didn't know each other or that hadn't heard of this name. At first it was an "Oh, okay, whatever." but several people kept saying it so I decided to go with it.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I enjoy the company of people who enjoy making jokes all the time. I really like corny jokes, play on words, black humor, etc.

My idea of fun is spending the day together going places or staying at home playing video games, Internetting, or watching a movie.

I enjoy hugs. You better give good hugs, too.

I do not like to click on other people's "Add To Friends" buttons for fear of rejection, but if you feel we could be friends then you feel free to click on my "Add To Friends" button.

A message would be uber gravy if we've never met or don't know each other.

It would be cool to meet people that were born on the exact same day as me.

MySpace whores and Uglies need not apply.

Bulletins that contain chain letters, surveys, and things of the like will get you deleted. I don't mind a few, but if that is all you post and post them several times a day, then you're off my list.

Glittery pictures in my comments will get deleted.

Pictures that stretch my page will get deleted.

Theme of the week:
Week of 12/02 - The Best Cast/Crew I've Been A Part Of. Ever. Christmas Carrot!
Ali (Santa Claus!), Dennis (Costume Head!), Marcyville (Costume Designer/Run!), J-Slice/Jason (Elf #1!), Tokes/Victor (Bert the Bunny!), Flores/John (Earl the Snowman!), Rick (Assistant Stage Manager!), and Laya (Shaney!)!


Artists I support and adore:

Keeps me breathing:



Movies I Need To Watch:
Pan's Labyrinth , Reign Over Me, Little Miss Sunshine , Lady in the Water, Bobby, TMNT, Freedom Writers, American Beauty, Pursuit of Happyness, Casino Royale, Pretty Persuasion , King Kong , Click , A Lot Like Love , Hairspray , Kontroll. . .

Alex's Recommendations:
Monster, Monster's Ball, The Hours, Magnolia, Unfaithful, House of Sand and Fog, Garden State , Gia, Loggerheads, The Straight Story. . .

(clickable pictures)


F. Scott Kline
CP: Did you ever get called a “fag” or a “nerd”?

4est: From a distance. From a car, maybe. That’s because they didn’t get a chance to see me close-up and know how awesome I am.

O. Hoover
RH: Olive, come here for a second, sit down. . . look, there's no sense in entering a contest if you don't think you're gonna win. So, do you think you can win Little Miss Sunshine? Are you gonna win?

She's super freaky.

Big D

You shall not harm
Harry Potter!

T. Turnblad
AVT: Aren't you a little fat for the show?
TT: I'm sure many of the other home viewers out there are pleasantly plump or chunky.

J. Pricer

If you drink to have
a good time, fuck you.


I know in my heart
that Jesus still loves me.

My Blog

Week Themes Archive

Feel free to comment with suggestions for new themes and I will feel free to shoot them down. Week of 11/13 - Best HuggersJanessa, Alexis, Paola, Houston, Junior, Eddie, Xylina, Cameron Week of 11/20 ...
Posted by Fisty! at the Victor on Sun, 16 Jul 2006 10:17:00 PST