Greener Nashville is a one-stop resource for sustainable living in Middle Tennessee. Started in early 2007, the campaign focuses on the vast number of Nashville residents, as well as the surrounding counties, that are looking for sustainable resources in their every day lives. Whether it’s saving energy, eating healthy, or living green, this web site is a resource for you.
The primary areas of focus for sustainability are: Green Policy, Conservation, Real Estate, Food, Energy, Consumer, and Education. Visit our resources section, where you will find many available options to find these resources in Middle Tennessee.
The general idea of Greener, is connecting people to the right outlets to live a more sustainable life, leaving Nashville in better shape for the future. Also to give you an idea of local businesses that are practicing green in their business efforts, so you can support the movement in every way possible. Check out our Green Events calendar to see where you can get involved, and visit the forum to share ideas for sustainability.
Bookmark the site,, sign up for e-mails, and please share with your friends. One individual can contribute so much to make this a more sustainable community.