Eating brains.
Playing frisbee on the outside of ship (especially while still flying to the next planet) with M-Manson-M
Taking over planets
Soon going to be Emperess of the Earth
Next being Emperess of the Universe
adopt your own virtual pet!
Your Homicidal Rampage! by crash_and_burn
Your name:
Weapon of Choice: Sex
Your Favorite Target: Buddhist Monks
Your Kill Count: 252,329,610
Your Battle Cry: "Touch me, I'm happy!"
Years You Spend in Jail: 43
How Much Money In Damages You Cause: $243,357,175,255,693
Your Homocidal Insanity Level:: 44%
Quiz created with MemeGen !
Get your own countdown at
You should want to meet S-Tiff-G.
I want to meet anyone that will let me eat their brains.
Anyone easily manipulated.
Must not enjoy being manipulated.
Must be willing to take me to your leader no matter what planet you are from.
As long as you cooperate you will have an eternal life on my ship.
~~~This section is where you~~
~~~~~~can find my poems at~~~~
~~~All of these have been written by~~~
~~~~~~~~~~me (Tiffany)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~ Thanks for reading ~~~~
Many eyes look upon this sad, but empty heart
You look at me and smile but I look at you and cry
You hear me speak but you do not respond
Are you really listening to me because I am trying to say sorry
What have you done to this soul
Who are you to say that you hate
Have you gone mad or is this life just torturing me
I lay here and cry myself to sleep because I know when I wake up
You will not be here
Life begins as three
Mommy, mommy I know you are out there
Will you please listen to me I must come out
Once the moment passes I am alive but where did you go mommy
Daddy I never knew life was so cruel
What are you doing to me, I do not want to feel the pain you give
Is everything that you teach me natural
Or were you taught to inflict pain upon the ones you love the most
Death is more suitable for me
I love to hate and love the thought of death
Many people just do not understand the sadness that I feel
So I lay here in bed with the blade my daddy used on me
Who can save this sick soul, save me because I am dead
On the inside and out
Today there is sunshine
Tomorrow there are clouds
Today there are tears
Tomorrow there are fears
Today there is hope
Tomorrow there is faith
Today we see the changes that the world or a person can and will make
Tomorrow that could disappear
As long as there is sunshine, hope, and faith
There will always be something there trying to fade all this glory into a cloudy day
But as long as I have you, there is no cloudy day.
There are feelings in my heart
There are feelings in my mind
There are feelings in the sky
There are feelings in the earth
There are feelings where feelings can’t go
Feelings don’t lie
One feeling may die but a new feeling will arrive.
How do you describe Misery?
How do you describe the pits of hell?
How do you describe reality?
How do you dry your tears without another drop replacing the dried up one?
When you lose yourself do you find it again?
When you lose yourself is a new one created?
If you fall in love, do you get injured?
If you create hate, does it go in a frame?
Where do you go when your dreams come true?
Where do you go after you woke up from the ultimate dream?
What were your last words uttered when you fell in love?
What were your last words uttered when you framed hatred?
Describing, losing, falling, creating, dreaming and uttering
is the only true self description.
Heart Beats from being unable to think rationally because of my prodigies not knowing what's going on.
E.T. That was my brother. He was not fit to live on my planet so F-Po-D ate his brain.
There is no time to watch television- too busy trying to take over the Universe.
Map of the Universe
Guide to taking over Earth
People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centered.
Love them anyway.
If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.
If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.
The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.
The biggest person with the biggest ideas can be
shot down by the smallest person with the smallest mind.
Think big anyway.
What you spend years building may
be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.
People really need help but may attack if you help them.
Help people anyway.
Give the world the best you have
and you might get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you've got anyway.
- Anonymous