בס"דKitat Konenut New York is a non political, non partisan team of freedom loving Americans devoted to teaching preparedness against terrorism and natural disasters.
Kitat Konenut encourages Jews and all Americans to become legally armed and express their second amendment rights. Our goal is to educate Jews in the local gun laws wherever they reside and in so doing have them purchase their own firearms as well as to train in many possible emergency scenarios that may occur in case of a terror attack or natural disaster (AKA Hurricane Catrina).
We are well connected with the law enforcement and fire departments in every area we operate and invite all members of the law enforcement community to join in our life saving activities.Kitat Konenut is a parent educational and training organization with the concept of taking CERT (Community Emergency Response Teams) to the next level and to include security. We are a training system that promotes individual gun ownership and training in the tactics of urban defense.
We encourage individuals to take personal responsibility not only for themselves and their families but the neighborhoods where they live in case of a Natural Disaster, Terrorist Attack or Civil Unrest etc.
Volunteers are those “Individuals†who promise to stay around when a disaster happens to protect life and property until the authorities can arrive and to aid them according to NIMS (National Incident Management Systems) even after they arrive. These individuals respond on their own blocks only, as they are the fastest possible response and therefore will be working in an area they are familiar with and the neighborhood is familiar with them.
Training must be held in each members neighborhood a minimum of once per month, to insure that each member is fully aware and capable of complying with ICS (Incident Command System).Kitat Konenut trains with veterans of the Israel Defense Forces and incorporates elite Israeli fighting skills. KKNY training is the best comprehensive training to help insure compliance to NIMS and our own security training however each community must find or create their own training instruction and facilities for all aspects of the training. Use the FEMA website to find many resources and courses. www.fema.gov.
The system will educate the volunteers who shall then educate the Public to the threats, and simple methods to protect their families and property.
** Assessing the special risks specific to their own community
** Fire/Disaster drills
** Hurricane escape routes and Shelters
** Locations of all Hospitals & Police StationsUnderstanding the current terrorism threat
** In depth understanding of Radical Islam
** The true Koran - Muslim religion of Once in never out
** Knowing what to look for and whom to call when you see it
** Neighborhood dynamics
** Bombs and Bomb Threats
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