Tuco profile picture


About Me

I do what I have to do to survive. Sometimes that means hurting people but I swear I never hurt anyone who didn't try to stop me from earning my living.My mother and father died a long time ago and I regret not being around when they did but I was trying to better myself and was away. In fact I had to leave my home at a very young age after my brother left us and joined the Church. I know where he is and he says I can come visit anytime I want.a img{} a:hover img{} body{scrollbar-arrow-color:ffffff;scrollbar-track-color:0000 00;scrollbar-highlight-color:ffffff;scrollbar-base-color:fff fff;scrollbar-face-color:000000;scrollbar-shadow-color:fffff f;scrollbar-darkshadow-color:ffffff

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Angel Eyes- I have something to settle with him.

My Blog

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