concerts, adventure, anime, games, tattoos, pierceings, wildlife, pets, art, weird stuff, lavalamps, leather, photography, scorpions, urban legends, ... it goes on & on & on & on
Meet people ?
People are scary!
Now that you mention it I don't get out & do physical things enough. Anyone who will actualy get out & do something like concerts, shows, shooting, mountainbiking, bullriding, skydiving, backyard wrestling, krav maga, chupacabra hunting, ruin exploring or anything else dangerouse, exciting, & fun can sign me up! I crave adventure.
You can also find me on AIM as x28BunniesLater
Hey - I'm on!
You scored as WereWolf. WereWolf: Craving rare Meat, feeling caged, aggitated by being around people. Unable to control one's anger or temper. The person will give off symptoms of the shift. They will seem more hostile, blood thirsty, aggitated. They may even growl, bare their teeth or other animal like tendencies. In rare cases, some will physically change. Facial hair will grow thicker or darker, nails will become longer, canine's will seem longer. Embrace your wild side, for you are The Misunderstood WereWolf.
metal, hardcore, punk, 80's new wave, goth, ebm, industrial, dance, techno, bagpipes, Mushroomhead, PoisonTheWell, Slipknot, Hatebreed, MuDvAyNe, 18Visions, FATA, SwornEnemy, TapRoot, AFI, Misfits, SamHain, Nora, BloodHoundGang, BadLuck13, DuranDuran, Devo, LordsOfAcid, Prodigy, TimoMass, CrystalMethod, RobZombie, BlackFlag, Ramones, PapaRoach, SystenOfADown, Offspring, Atreyu, MindlessSelfIndulgence, GutterMouth, MarilynManson, NIN, L7, Type-O, EyeKandy, Wumpscut, BloodForBlood, Nirvana, IssacHayes, Thursday, Ramstein, UnderOath, Avenged7Fold, Bane, BleedingThrough, EvergreenTerrace, Nekromantix, BlackListed, ToTheDeath, LambOfGod, AgeOfRuin, NeuroticFish, Bane, ForDireLifeSake, Balzac, BurnThePreist, TheComadores, JethroTull, Caliban,Dead To Fall more more more
action horror comedy asian Gozu, TheDevilsReject's, Saw, 5thElement, GraveOfTheFireflys, Akira, VampireHunterD, Lain, Evangelion, Slayers, PulpFiction, ResevoirDogs, Phantasmn, TexasChainsaw, EvilDead, RockyHorrorPictureShow, Gladiator, BraveHeart, 6thSense, StirOfEchos, BrideWithWhiteHair, GoneIn60Seconds, TheWayOfTheGun, DuskTillDawn, IntewviewWithAVampire, SpiritedAway, MontyPython'sHolyGrail, LockStock&2SmokinBarrels, Snatch, NightmareB4XMas, DarkCrystal, Laberynth, LastUnicorn, Legend, AmericanWearwolfInLondon, NOTLD, Spriggan, Totoro, InvaderZim, Hellsing, Lilo&Stitch, BoondockSaints, DonnieDarko, StarWars, LordOfTheRings, KillBill, IchiTheKiller, Versus, Session9, FightClub, SuperTroopers, Anything with, JackieChan or Jason Stathem or JetLi, Pan's Labyrinth, NoCountryForOldMen, almost anything from John Whoo, Takashi Miike, Quinten Tarantino, Danny Rodriguez, Sam Rami more more more
MXC, Ghost Hunters, Myth Busters, CSI, Far Scape, most stuff on Adultswim, DirtyJobs, That70'sShow, PBR, UFC, Southpark, Addams Family, Mind of Mencia, Queer Eye, Will & Grace, Scrubs, Dresden Files
Robert E. Howard, Hideyuki Kikuchi, Clive Barker, H.P.Lovecraft, H.G.Wells, James Silke, Louise Carrol, Kondom, Johan Vasqueze (Did I spell that right? The guy who did JTHM) Neil Gaimen
Jackie Chan ! Charles Darwin, Sam Kinison, Bender from Futurama, ninjas
How to make a TastyFetus
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Top it off with a sprinkle of emotion and enjoy!
Personality cocktail