This is our privet site made only to present polish "FOKARIUM".
Fokarium has its own site , but we want to help them and introduce all myspace users to our beautiful seals and tell you something about them. So please stay with us!!!
After hard exploitation, bycatch (seals that are caught unintentionally by fishing gear)and lack of peace caused by human (sometimes extremely cruel) behavior the number of seals in the Baltic Sea had extremely decreased. Because of this, some countries have engaged in reintroduction of these beautiful and intelligent sea mammals. Poland is one of these countries. Currently, Sealarium is inhabited by several seals, which form a flock and participate in the process of rebuilding the population of the gray seal in the Baltic Sea.
The majority of the population of every seal species in Baltic occupies mainly northern shores, but hopefully thanks to the Polish Sealarium we will meet seals also on southern sandy beaches. Until now, everything goes in the right direction and every year Sealarium has a few young seals that can be released to the sea.
To support the efforts to rebuild the seal population, the sea station needs help from all good people. Please join and help restore seals in Poland. Seals need you!