People, Hawai'i, Hawaiians, Polynesians, Non-polynesians, Tourism, Economics, Finding out how it all works (together), Paddling, Racquetball. Family and Friends.
Anyone and everyone --- commonalities and differences are good w/ me.
Got all the past roommates and honorary roommates (people who were always at the house for no reason and would never leave) in my top 12. And then there's Mark b/c he should be in everyone's top list. The guy is famous. I'm almost positive anywhere in the U.S. you mention the name Mark Kunimoto you'll elicit an entertaining story or two. That statement is tested and proof positive. And of course, there's Josh b/c it's always good to have a pocho (and proud pocho) as number one on the list, even if he has never checked his myspace for almost two years.
I would actually like to get back in touch w/ all the people I've lost touch with. People from my: old neighborhood days (Kahalu'u); Elementary days (He'eia Elem); Intermediate and High School days (Kamehameha); Undergrad days (Pacific U.); Graduate days (UH TIM); Waikiki Beach Boys days; Windward Kai CC days; Kane'ohe CC days; Tutoring days; Aloha Airlines days; Oceanarium days; Fairmont days; Duke TIP days; KSIIS days; Keawe Wai days; 'ole days; present days; and, new days. Oh Happy Days, Oh Happy Days ...
I like it all.
Comedy, Adventure, Thriller/Horror, the whole spectrum.
ESPN, BDSSP, Leno, Conan, Letterman, Reno911, KC Chiefs, NY Yankees
Any that's not a chore to finish.
Mom and Dad.