Hey whats up the name is Chris but most call me Spahn.
I just recently moved to Snoqualmie Wa from Minneapolis Mn
I used to play in a band called SI6KS i did the samples and electronics. I run the national street team for the band OBLIGE and do all i can to make everyone know of there brutal existance! Music is my life, it doesn't matter what kind it is i enjoy anything that moves me. I'm Currently Employeed at the New Snoqualmie Casino.I'm goin on tour with Oblige in the late spring/ early summer and can't wait to get on the road with my good friends and experience the world! I'm a straight up honest guy who loves to laugh and make people laugh, and i love to meet and talk to new people. I Have an amazingly beautiful girlfriend who i'd give the world for she makes my life everything i could of ever dreamed of! life's to short to not just live it up and make the most out of everyday!!!
name: chris spahn
date of birth: june 17th
birthplace: phoenix, az
living in: Snoqualmie, WA
eye color: dark brown
hair color: brown
heritage: german
piercings: 11
tattoos: 8
movie: pirates 1-3 & all the harry potters
color: green, black, red...& sometimes hot pink
food: chipotle
drink: Green Tea, White Tea
liquor: yag bombs & miller high life
store: Music and Clothing Stores
season: fall
holiday: halloween bithces!
this or that
sunny or rainy: sunshowers
chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
fruits or veggies: fruits
night or day: when darnkess falls...it's party time!
love or money: love- but money is good too
phone or in person: in person
looks or personality: personality...but looks help
goal for this year: Be as succesful as possible in love,work,music, and bettering myself
most missed memory: childhood innocence
best physical feature: stomach
first thought waking up: 5 more minutes
greatest ambition: to be something amazing
greatest fear: hurting people i care about
favorite subjects: MUSIC
strangest recieved gift: fake vagina (gag gift)
worst habit: Spending money when i shouldn't
do you
smoke: Working on quitting!
drink: casually- but on weekends i party like a rockstar
shower Daily: almost
like thunderstorms: they are fuckin awesome
wish on stars: sometimes
believe in fate: i think so
can you
drive: Better then most people!
hackey sack: a little bit
cook: Very Well
speak another language: i'm not that talented
dance: inbetween the sheets ;)
curl your tongue: and do many tricks with it
have you ever
been stoned: yeah all the time but not so much anymore!
been in love: yes
been called a tree hugger: nah
stolen something: when i was younger
other questions
what annoys you most in a person? stupidity
name three things you can't live without: Music,Friends & Love!
what is the color of your room? White with pictures and posters on the walls.
do you have any siblings? younger bro
do you have any pets? dudeman & bogies!
would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? yes
are you for or against gay marriage? for
what are your thoughts about abortion? pro choice, but not pro abortion
do you have a crush on anyone? a few people!
how do you want to die? peacefully
what is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten in one day? 4
would you take a bullet for the one you love? you bet
opposite sex
hair color: dark brown
eye color: blue, hazel, or dark dark brown
height: shorter than me
weight: Smaller then me(naturally thin)
most important physical feature: eyes & smile
biggest turn-off: stupidity & conceitedness
i love penguins more than you, get over it