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About Me

Or about us, rather...

You get the impression that we know what we're doing, huh?

And might I point out that the viola section is quite audibly the steadfast rock of the DaKah string sound (that is of course, for those of you capable of picking the violas out of the broader context in any given symphonic texture; to the lay-person, I imagine, this is probably something akin to listening to a dog-whistle, unless, of course, you happen to be wearing a pair of sound-collecting ear extensions).

My own obvious biases notwithstanding:



My Interests

I'd like to meet:

What makes the following group so special is that they strive for uniform intonation and rhythmic clarity (more so than other northern drums). Furthermore, they feature the addition of Kit Landry, a female vocalist whose 8va doubling really alters the tessitura of northern-style music in an exciting way. You will not be able to see Kit in the video (by tradition, women stand behind the men and do not drum), but you will certainly hear her!

My Ojibwe friends from Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario performing a hand-drum contest song:

This, by the way, is what makes us Americans, in case you've been wondering.


Emanuel Bach: Sinfonia in G Major, Wotquenne 182 / Nr. 1, mvt. I

mvt. II

mvt. III


A little something extra-- for those of you who may be fans, here's another ripe treat from the Garden:

Vivaldi: "per Pisendel," RV 242

You're welcome.


Honestly, for years Europa Galante was not my favorite group (though, Fabio Biondi has always seemed like a cool dude). Lately, however, they've been winning me over. I've never been a fan of posting less than a complete work, but these movements are so well-recorded...

Domenico Scarlatti - Sinfonia en ut majeur - presto


Oh, those funny Italians.

There really is no questioning Domenico Scarlatti. There just isn't. Seriously.


Some more Europa Galante in C Major for you, Mr. Foo-foo? Fine!

Vivaldi: Concerto en ut majeur, pour 2 violons (dans l'imitation de tromba marina), 2 flûtes à bec, 2 trompettes, 2 mandolines, 2 salmoe, 2 théorbes, violoncelle, cordes et basse continue, RV 558 - allegro molto

Well, that was nice.


Need I say anything?


JP Rameau was repugnantly genius. There, I said it.

As most of you know, I DO NOT approve of his pseudo-contrapuntal technique. His obsession with harmonic verticality is, most often, a limitation. He was, on the one hand, naïve, with his "discovery" of the "underlying science of music;" On the other hand, a charlatan, one of the few figures cynical enough to use the Enlightenment as a marketing ploy.

Nonetheless, I have to confess that I rather enjoy some of his stuff.

Danse from Les Boréades

You know, we could all learn a lot from Marc Minkowski. He is so calm and reassuring; a great and straightforward way to get your musicians to rock out. And Les Musiciens du Louvre do, in fact, rock out here, I think it's fair to say.


Now, just to contrast, here Rameau writes in what is essentially standard contrapuntal practice for the 1730s and 1740s. This could almost be the music of Telemann, if it wasn't so clearly a French rondeau (one of the three ancient "form fixes").

Certainly, no one would dispute the excitement of the previous performance. Character aside, however, you will find that there is quite simply more to listen to here, musically speaking.

That, my friend, is a little something I like to call counterpoint.

Another enjoyable bit of Rameau

See, I'm a reasonable person.


And now a little aural perspective for those of you poor souls who have been reading my blogs...

Here is music in Werckmeister III tuning:

Here is music in 1/4 comma meantone:

Here is music in 1/6 comma meantone:

By the way, I'd just like to take this opportunity to point out that you can't fuck with Domenico Scarlatti... or crushed velvet suits...

Now listen to something beautiful, and love it, you silly bastards:

François Couperin - Les Barricades Mistérieuses

My Blog

When you are online.

When you are online, you are an orange person, and green waves emanate from your head.
Posted by on Mon, 28 Jul 2008 01:32:00 GMT

amendment draft

Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of AmericaNeither by the policies or actions of any Corporation, nor those of any private Institution, whether of foreign or native origin, including...
Posted by on Mon, 28 Jul 2008 01:32:00 GMT

another DaKah video

Oh, by the way, for those of you who are interested, here is the link for an excerpt from a documentary about DaKah: vidual&videoid=2051443422daKAH...
Posted by on Mon, 28 Jul 2008 01:31:00 GMT

more Bach info

After my last blog, I feel like a few of you might have thought: "What the hell is JP talking about now...?"Well, if you really want to know, take 20 minutes or so and visit this link first:http://www...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 06:13:00 GMT

A clarification regarding Bach family tuning

Seriously, people...You do all realize that none of the Bachs ever "advocated" equal temperament, right? Bach's "well temperament" (as we have come to call it after the Das Wohltemperirte Clavier) w...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 06:12:00 GMT

one of my favorite performances of late

Claudio Abbado’s new group playing Brandenburg 6.The lady with the darkly-varnished, Maggini-pattern viola is currently my hero. Bear in mind, these are MODERN INSTRUMENTS being played with tra...
Posted by on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 02:23:00 GMT

some comedy

If you watch this 100 times you will still laugh ..
Posted by on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 01:54:00 GMT

reflections on the near future

I will preface this entry in the same manner in which I am wont to initiate many of the conversations I have had with each of you individually:Yes, indeed, I am an arrogant man of great pretension, bu...
Posted by on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 01:33:00 GMT

A word concerning the designation: "professional musician"

In an earlier entry, I have alluded to the virtues of being a "professional" musician.It occurs to me now that there could arise a fair question in the reader's mind as to what, particularly, a "profe...
Posted by on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 21:48:00 GMT

My favorite.

If this were the most important question you were ever asked, how would you answer it?
Posted by on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 19:48:00 GMT