The names Scott. I are live in the London now. So far I have seen a UHAUL attendant cry on the phone at the front desk, I offered a hug but he refused. I like to have fun. fun consists of me doing something, or seeing something rather humourous. Sometimes when im walking, i wish to have a cool ass band following me around just playing for me. that would rock, and when i enter places they can play intro songs. I'm a skinny boy, 5'9ish, blue eyes. yeah thats right blue. like the ocean, or sea or lake or even the blue hotwheels car you once lost... Remember, locking yourself in a freezer makes you cold not cool.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
A Jedi, a ninja, and Bill Gates at the same time. ok maybe seperately too, but seriously they are the ultimate trio together. THEY CAN DEFEAT THE MEGAZORD!