Chalk for PEACE profile picture

Chalk for PEACE

I am here for Networking

About Me

Chalk for Peace is happening for the second time ever in Wpg. on SEPT 7th @ Vimy Ridge Park! BYOC! (4-9pm) donations accepted for WAR CHILD CANADA.This year:GUIDED MEDITATION: lead by Jenny Dupas of "Blissful Soles Reflexology & Reiki". (7:30 PM)MUSICIANS: -Jeremy Proctor-Kayla Luky-Lindsey White-Midtown Bridge-Winnipeg Drum/Jam Circles-Brenda Neiles with Marcel Desilets-Bad CountryFIRE ENTERTAINERS -Scott McNiven & Spencer Holmes of Wildfire-International Brotherhood of fireThe amazing Kyle FehrCHILDREN'S ENTERTAINERS -Christie Donaldson - Face Paint -Ed Vorst - JugglingFacebook Group The Word

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Folks who are going to chalk for Peace & willing to lend a hand to get the word out!

My Blog

Sept 7th 2008!!!

This year Chalk for peace will take place in a different, more convenient and child fun friendly location--> VIMY RIDGE PARK<--- 4-9pm Sept.7thGET STOKED and GET YOUR CHALK!Thank you to the grea...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Sep 2008 18:38:00 GMT

John Lennon

Posted by on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 21:11:00 GMT


In case it rains a lot this Sunday I have had to plan a possible rain date for exactly one week later (September 30th).  I hope you can make it.  *crosses fingers and dreads for no rain thou...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 09:29:00 GMT

no rain no rain no rain no rain no rain........

Because the event is scheduled for 4 hours theres bound to be some time sans rain...right?!!?  eeeeeeeeek.  Ok people, pray to the sun god or something in case!
Posted by on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 19:42:00 GMT